"In what way?"

"There'll be booze, cute boys, and all of us together."

"I'll think about it."

"Well, me, Gabe and Brianna are gonna grab something to eat, wanna come?" Ashton asks.

"Me and Sierra have a game today. But you all can swing by later?"

"Sure.We'll actually come watch your game. And then we can come hang altogether." With that, they left and Sierra and I finally got into our dorm.

"So why don't you want to go? You've never turned down a dance."

"Just have a lot on my mind."


"Just stuff with my father, don't worry about it."

"Dev, you know dances are a big deal. Every four year intensive school is invited. It's gonna be huge."

"Yeah, yeah. Do you know where it's being held this year?"

"Not sure. But somewhere BIG."

"I figured."

"Oh c'mon. You forced me to join soccer and now I'M going to force you to go to the dance with me."

"I guess I do owe you one."

"So is that a yes?"

"Fine. But I'm not wearing a dress. Do you remember the disaster last year?"

"When Ashton spilled booze all over your lavish dress?"

"Exactly. I don't even know how I ended up going with him."

"You guys were dating. So it kind of made sense."

"Talk about a bad mistake."

"I can tell that he still likes you. Why don't you give him another chance."

"I don't want to. I think we're better off as friends you know? I just don't feel as strongly for him as he does for me." I sigh and lay on my bed.

"He is a good guy though. Half the school is crazy after him. And the one girl he wants, keeps rejecting him."

"We dated for a few months, okay? It's not like we were star crossed lovers. It didn't work out. That's it."

"Anyways, do you know who he might ask out?"

"Don't know."


"What about you? Have you gotten over Jacob yet?"

"Yeah totally." Sierra says in the most unconvincing way. I get back up to look at her, and she starts to smile.

"No you didn't."

"I didn't."

"You better have not. C'mon Sierra he's a bad one you can do better."

"I know, but I just keep finding myself going back to him."

"Oh man."

"I know." I get up to give her a side hug.

"It'll be fine. We're gonna graduate soon anyway. Then we'll have a lot more people to meet."


"Come on, get dressed. We got a game against Reese school."

"I know, I know." We gathered our belongings and a quick snack. I got in a mini workout and tied my hair up into a ponytail.

We made our way to the field where the team was waiting.

"There you guys are." Coach Xu exclaimed.

"Sorry got caught up with some stuff."

"It's okay, start warming up." We start to stretch and warm up as the other team arrives, in their eye catching red uniforms. From the corner of my eye I see Andrea eyeing them. She looks a bit nervous, and that makes me smile. Maybe she's not so confident after all.

"Alright team, Huddle." I call in all the girls.

"So here's the plan, Mia will be on-"

"Andrea will actually be up top." I interrupt Sierra and she looks at me with a questioning glare. Andrea gives a small nod. We go over the team formation and get ready to play.

The whistle blows and the game starts. Andrea is quick and she passes me the ball. Our team dribbles up and gets through their mid fielders. I pass it to Laila and she scores. We burst out into a little cheer. The other team gets more frustrated by the minute, and they start to push and shove. One of their forwards starts to chase down Andrea as she dribbles up. I run parallel to her incase she needs to pass it off. In the blink of an eye, the forward grabs Andrea's uniform and pulls her to the ground.

"Stay down, bitch." Anger flows through my veins and I run over there. As the forward turns around from Andrea who's on the ground, she bumps into me. I stare at her and she smiles. I smile back as I make my hand into a fist, and punch her in the face. She lets out a cry and falls to the floor. Blood starts to trickle onto the field. I look at Andrea who is in utter shock.

I get closer to the forward to whisper, "Try to get up, and I'll knock you right down.....bitch." I give her another smile. By this time the referee has given me a red card and their whole team wants a piece of me. I walk off the field with a smile and two middle fingers. Coach Xu looks at me and shakes her head.

I look down at my knuckles that sting. Having enough of the game, I grabbed my things and left.

Author's Note:

Hey y'all! Let me know what you guys think so far. Any suggestions or just comments? Would really appreciate besties <3

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