The quidditch world cup *Chapter 1

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A/n: about the story: your last name is Miller and you have muggle parents.
Your love interest is Harry Potter ;p

It was 6:00 in the morning when Y/N felt someone shaking her.

She groaned at how her eye lids felt like they weighed over 100 pounds. Still half asleep y/n found herself on the floor.

Just with a thud she opens her eyes to reveal a red head with long hair.

"Ginny" Y/n groaned. "5 more minutes" She pleased.

"No get up Harry's coming! My dad just sent his uncle a note since he's coming to the quidditch cup with us!" She practically yelled as if Y/N were deaf.

Y/N's eyes lit up on the name Harry.

Wait, why? Y/n thought.

"Ok I'll be down soon" Y/N sighed while getting up.

Ginny then nodded and left.


Y/n slumped down stairs only to see Majority of the weasley's including hermione. They all were waiting patiently by the crackling, orange fireplace.

"Are we all going to the Dursley's?" Y/n questioned as she walked towards them, collapsing on the single armchair.

"Not me or Ginny" replied Hermione "you?" She questioned still reading a muggle magazine she found.

"Yeah I might come" Y/n said knowingly. She winked at the twins knowing what they'll do to 'poor' Dudley.

"Come on children one by one in the fire" Arthur commanded in a jolly tone.

Fred jumped in first before George. The both of them gone in a blink of an eye. Next y/n jumped in before saying the words "The Dursley's house"

She felt a wheezy feeling in her stomach. She spun so fast she only saw colours.

Before y/n got the time to process her surroundings she landed on a dusty floor, where she coughed and groaned.

"Surprise!" The twins said in a union sarcastically, as y/n soon realised they were stuck in the fireplace.

Slowly y/n ran her fingers on the wood barrier where she collected dust.

Soon after y/n, Arthur and Ron landed ontop the twins, only making the small space smaller.

The situation was quite funny to y/n before she got squished in the face by Fred's leg.

"Get your leg off of me Fred" Y/n whisper shouted.

Harry on the other side was pleased to hear y/n's voice. He had a stupid grin on his face as Arthur instructed them all.

"Hold on! back up children!" Arthur then proceeded to break the barrier with a BANG!

The clear air around y/n filled her lungs as she sighed in relief.

Before Harry could get a word in, y/n ran up to him to give him a big bone crushing hug.

Harry smiled while sniffing the scent of y/n's shampoo. Honey and cinnamon.

They then broke the hug. Y/n noticed Harry grew taller the past few weeks. He also formed a perfect jawline. Y/n has too had a glow up. She had longer hair and a perfect silhouette of a woman's body.

They only shook back into reality when hearing Harry's aunt scream.

Aunt petunia looked as if Arthur was going to kill her. uncle Vernon wore a look as if he stepped in poop and Dudley was hiding behind his parents frightened.

Love scars | 𝗔 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗽𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now