~Chapter 9

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"Jake's taking me out tonight." Jas says.

It's Wednesday morning and Jas and I are walking to class.

"Good for him. And you. What are you wearing?" I ask with a smile.

"I dunno yet. Maybe something plain, but not too plain." She says.

Just then, the devil himself appears, with Jake by his side.

"Hi, Ladies." Jake greets.

"What do you want?" Jas asks, rolling her eyes, but smiling nonetheless.

Erick walks by my side, while Jake walks by Jas'. He swings his arm over Jas' shoulder. She scowls at him but surprisingly, doesn't move his arm.

"What? We can't walk you to class?" Erick says, looking at me, feigning shock as he clutches his heart with his hand dramatically.

I smack his shoulder. "Nope." I say, smirking.

They walk us anyway, and to be fair, we let them.

"Class, today, I'll be handing out your tests. I want everyone to get at least a B on this, because since it's the start of the year..." Madame Hérault says. Erick and I happen to be in this AP French class along with a very annoying girl, Stacy. She has been trying to flirt with Erick, who unfortunately, decided to sit right next to me. She has literally been asking dumb questions like, 'What's the word for Love?' or 'Do you like the color red? Don't I look really hot with this red dress?' just to get his attention. Erick, on the other hand...

"Babe, you're perfect just the way you are, so please, for the sake of my sanity, will you just shut up?" He says, through gritted teeth.

I suppress my laugh.

Humiliated and upset, she retreats back to her seat.

"Now, now, that's not how we talk to our fans, is it?" I mock.

Erick scowls.

"Sometimes, I curse my charm and beauty." He mutters.

I roll my eyes, shaking my head in disbelief at his vanity and begin to write my test.

"I think I'm going to fail that test." Erick says to me, after the bell rings and we hand our papers over.

I pack my stuff into my bag and say, "Really? I think you did well." 

Erick eyes me suspiciously. "And how would you know that?"

I look at him sheepishly, "I might have had a peek at your paper when you turned it in..."

He scowls and I smile.

"You know, you should give yourself some credit." I say.

"For what?" He asks, confused.

"Well, our classmates have been learning French since middle school while you, I don't know about before this, but you joined school a few weeks ago and you're already picking up pretty quickly."

Erick's green eyes light up in amusement as he sports a small smirk.

"You think so?"

"Oh, trust me. I'm not one to give compliments often, so take them while you can." I say with a small smile as I leave the class to head for lunch with Jas.

"Jesy?" Nai asks hesitantly.

I smile at her and say, "Yeah?"

Nai and I have gotten closer ever since this summer. Jas and I would always bump into her somewhere or the other, and she'd end up hanging out with us, sometimes bringing Andrea. I didn't mind, they were nice enough.

"If you don't mind, can I join you and Jas for lunch today?"

Without questioning her I nod. "Of course! You're welcome any day."

She beams and I can see the relief flood onto her face.

Together, we walk to our table. Jas hasn't come yet so it's just the two of us.

Fortunately, we didn't have to wait long for Jas to come.

Instead of seeing her alone, Andrea comes into view and sits beside Nai.

"You guys don't mind if I sit here, right?" Andrea asks.

I shrug nonchalantly. 

Andrea and Nai are pretty sweet girls and it's their personality that sets them apart from the rest of the girls at Foxfire High, which is why I really don't mind them.

"You know Marcus, right?" Andrea says.

I nod my head, though I haven't got the foggiest clue as to who Marcus might be.

Gossip is gossip, right? And Jas and I love gossip. Unless it's about us.

"Well, ever since school started, he's been really kind to me and he's been helping me out either homework and stuff. I started to develop feelings for him but I was scared he didn't like me back until today. Today he finally asked me out!" She gushes.

Young love.

"Aw!! I ship it! Just be careful though, Ann. Marcus is known to be a notorious flirt." Nai says.

Well, that can't be good.

"That's a good thing right?" Jas asks, confused.

"Sometimes. But sometimes-"

Andrea sighs dreamily staring at a cute boy who I presume is Marcus. He catches her gazes and smiles warmly at her. He shoots her a wink and I can vividly see a pink tint spreading across Andrea's face.

"Andrea and Marcus. Hmm. I think he's fine for Ann. She's a hopeless romantic and he's a flirt." Jas says.

Somehow, I just don't get a good vibe from this dude. But since all my friends seem to like him, and he makes Ann happy, I keep my mouth shut.

Just then, a familiar figure walks into the cafeteria, diverting my attention.


Every single girl drops what they're doing and turns to openly stare at him. One of them even stops making out with her boyfriend to look at him, pissing her boyfriend off.

I roll my eyes and looks away.

It's not like Harry Styles or Zayn Malik just walked in.

Now, that is a sight, I would turn around and stare at.

Erick's green eyes scan the crowd till they land on me. He grins and makes his way over to my table.

Oh, lord.

"Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I pass by again?" He says smoothly.

I roll my eyes.

"And who, told you that your presence would be welcomed here?" I ask, scowling.

"Why, I thought since my hot date would be sitting at this table, why not keep her company?" Jake says, coming out of nowhere, and slinging his arm over Jas.

She rolls her eyes but doesn't question him.

I sigh.

This is going to be a long break.

A/N:- Sorry, I took so long to update this, I really wanted to finish writing  my other book 'Falling' first, but I decided to update this since it had been a while. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter, if you did please vote, and leave a comment.

Also, I have a small announcement.

My sis and I have created a joint account @random_royals so, yeah, just thought I'd let you know.

That's all for now.


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