~Chapter 23

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"Let's start with how much you know." Erick says.

We're sitting in his kitchen, and he's currently tutoring me in spanish.

"You mean Hola?" I ask sarcastically.

Erick gives me a deadpanned look.

"Why do you make people think you know less than what you actually know?" He asks.

I look at him, stunned.

It's like he has me all figured out.

And I don't like it.

"Here's what we'll start with, I'll give you a test on everything we learnt in school so far and if you get even fifty percent of the questions right, all you have to do is answer a simple question honestly." He says.

I cock an eyebrow.

"And if I don't?" I ask.

"Then you get to ask me a question. Anything." He says simply.

I smile, liking the sound of that.

I'm confident I won't do well in this quiz anyway, so I say, "You've got yourself a deal, then Mr. Diaz."

He grins.

"First question: translate this sentence: I drink coffee everyday for breakfast." He says.

"Easy. Bebo café todos los días para el desayuno." I say with ease and confidence.

Erick seems impressed.

I smirk.

"Next one: I drive a car to school everyday." He says. "Translate that."

"Conduzco un coche a la escuela todos los días." I say, struggling with the pronunciation a bit.

"Not bad." He says. "Now tell me, if I ask where the closest restaurant is, what would be your reply in spanish?"

"Siga recto y luego gire a la izquierda" I say, translating 'Go straight then turn left.'

"Perfecto." He says.

I smile proudly.

Guess I'm not as bad as I thought.

"What's the opposite of left?"

"Right." I say smartly.

Erick rolls his eyes but I notice the corners of his mouth twitch upwards.

"Smart ass. In spanish." He says.

"Deresha?" I ask, unsure.

He shakes his head.

"It's pronounced Derecha." He says.

"Derecha." I echo, trying out the word on my own tongue.

"There you go." He says encouragingly.

"How many more questions?" I ask.

"Dos más." He says.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Two more." He says with a sigh.

"Let's say you and I are having a conversation and I ask you whether you want tea or coffee, what would be your reply?" He asks.

"Un Cafe, con leche, por favor." I reply fluently.

A coffee with milk please.

"Good. Now, reply to this, ¿Le agrado?" He says.

Do you like me?

"Si, me gustas." I say, not meeting his eye.

Yes, I like you.

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