~Chapter 1

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"Truth or Dare, Jas?" I ask my best friend. Jasmine Anthony has been my best friend since kindergarten. She has always been there for me, and I, for her. No one dares to mess with us. No one. We are partners in crime and people feared us. We are known for pulling pranks on people who provoke us. They always end up crying in the bathroom. Yeah, it was cruel, but people deserve to know not to mess with us.

"Dare, duh." She says. We are sitting on my bed in my room on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Jas is wearing a cute black  top and ripped blue denim shorts. She paired it with silver loop earrings and her light blonde wavy hair is pulled up into a high pony.

"I dare you to  walk around town wearing a tutu for the rest of the day." I say, smirking.

"Fine. Whatever." She says as though it doesn't mean anything. But deep down, I know she's embarrassed. Even if she won't admit it. That's the thing with Jas, she likes to act tough and mean to scare people away, but once you get to know her and she starts opening up to you, she shows her true, sensitive side. She can be really sweet at times.

"There's one problem though, honey. I don't have a tutu." She says, smirking.

I roll my eyes. As the oldest of four children, well, four if you count my three half sisters, my house was full of clothes and toys of many age groups.

"Oh, don't worry, I think Sarah has one. She wore it for Halloween last year." I say as I get off my bed to go look for it.

Sarah is my four year old half sister. You see, I had an older sister named Aaliyah. She passed away seven years ago due to mental health issues and eventually suicide. She was my role model. She was strong, brave and a fighter. We were very close. I told her everything. After her death, my father couldn't handle the grief and the pain so he walked out of our lives to mope. My mother, being the strong woman she is, kept her chin up and raised me on her own. Until six years ago. She met a dude named Jordan, dated him for a year, got married and had a set of twins. Two years later, they had Sarah . The twins are absolutely gorgeous. They have soft brown curly hair, light brown skin and big brown eyes. Their names are Azima and Ara. They are six years old and seem to take after Jordan more than my mom. Jordan is an amazing step father. He treats me like his very own daughter. After my sister's death, I was constantly moping and crying all day. Jordan would always find ways to cheer me up. I think he somehow knew what I was going through. And lastly, my little sister Sarah. She is the youngest in the family and probably my favorite person in this house. She has silky straight black hair like my mother but brown eyes like Jordan. She is the quietest, the sweetest and the smartest out of all my sisters. She knows how to get her way when she wants, but she has a pure heart of gold. 

I walk back into my room after grabbing Sarah's tutu. It's pink and frilly. Jas hates frills. I smile to myself, anticipating her reaction.

When she sees the tutu in my hands she gives me a pointed look.

"What?" I ask innocently.

"Do you really think that's going to fit me, Jesy?" She says.

"Of course it will." I say, as I push the tutu in her direction and nod towards the bathroom.

"Go try it on." I say, trying to hide my smirk.

She rolls her eyes, sighing as she heads for the bathroom.

"What's so funny?" Jas says when she comes out.

She's wearing Sarah's tutu which barely fits her and it looks ridiculous.

"N-n-nothing." I say, through fits of laughter.

She narrows her eyes and looks in the mirror.

Her expression changes from confused to horrified. It's hilarious.

"JESSICA! Really?!? I look ridiculous! You're not escaping your turn of truth or dare!" She says, angrily.

The look on her face immediately shuts me up. I try not to worry about what she might make me do, but I can't help it.

"Truth or dare, Jesy?" She asks.

"Truth." I try to say confidently.

"Why have you never thrown a party at home?" She asks.

I shrug, relieved that she didn't ask a personal question.

"Probably because no one would come? I mean, people are scared of us, Jas. No one likes us." I say.

"Huh. Come on, we're the most popular people in school." Jas scoffs.

"I hardly think so. Name five people other than me, that you'd consider your friends." I say.

"Naomi, Jake, Sasha, Tyler and Andrea." She says confidently.

I scoff.

"Jas, Our volleyball teammates don't count. Besides we've spoken to Jake and Tyler only a few times. That doesn't count." Jas and I are on the school volleyball team. I'm the captain and she's our vice captain.

"Does-" Jas starts but gets interrupted by a ringing phone.

We exchange looks. Jas's phone is ringing. It's Naomi.

She gives me a look as if to say 'Ha! Told you Naomi's our friend.'

I roll my eyes and motion for her to answer the call.

"Hello?" She says.

"Put it on speaker!" I hiss.

"Hi! Jasmine! Have you heard the news?" Naomi squeals.

"What news?" I ask.

"Jessica! Good you're here! You won't believe it! Tomorrow, Foxfire High school is receiving a new student." Nai says.

We laugh.

"So?" I ask, confused.

"It's a kid named Erick Diaz. He's supposed to be super hot and talented."

"And how does this affect us?" Jas says, nonchalantly.

"He's supposed to be very good at volley ball. You guys might have competition." She says.

"Huh. Let's see if the rumors about him are true. Although, I highly doubt it." I say.

After our call with Nai, Jas and I decide to look him up on social media to find out more about him.

"His Instagram handle has- WHOA! Jesy! Come here! Check this out!" Jas says.

"What?" I say, a little too eagerly.

I roll my chair towards my bed where Jas is sitting with my laptop on her thighs. The sun has started to set.

"Look! The dude has 200 posts and about 50 of them are selfies. He has 1.2 Million followers. He has a lot of posts with trophies." Jas says, with excitement in her voice.

"So?" I say, confused.

"He is so hot! Look at this shirtless selfie!" She says, turning the laptop towards me.

Erick is hot. Whoever he is, he is smoking hot. He has messy black hair, green eyes, and earrings. He doesn't look intimidating in any way. In fact, he looks kind and slightly self conscious.

"Jesy? Hello! Earth to Jesy! Are you crushing on him already?" Jas says, smirking.

I shake my head and snap out  of whatever trance I was in. What the Hell was that about? Why do I even care?

"No!" I snap.

Jas just rolls her eyes.

"So, what do you think?" She asks.

"Eh, I wouldn't worry about him. I bet he's a player who gets whatever the Hell he wants. He doesn't seem like a threat." I say, shrugging.

Jas nods her head and leaves the topic.

That night, as I lay in bed, I can't seem to divert my mind from Erick. Why do I care who he is? He's just another guy who'll end up hating my guts. Everyone at my school is either scared of me or feels intimidated by me. And I like it that way.

A/N: What do you think? Bit different, isn't it? Do you like it? Let me know! Please vote if you like this chapter.

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