Chapter thirty-seven

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The earth beneath me quaked when a loud bang echoed through the basement, and the metal door was blown off its hinges, sending pieces of shrapnel flying across the room and against the walls.

Daniel reached for the gun on the side of his belt as shots were fired, but he didn't stand a chance, a bullet had already hit him in the right hip.
He aimed his gun but the other shooter was quicker, wounding Daniel in the arm and causing him to drop his pistol.

He kicked the firearm away from Daniel and knelt down, searching his pockets to fish out a tiny key.
He then stood over him, motioning to three other tall figures that had now closed in around us and they hoisted Daniel up by his arms, dragging his conscious body through the demolished entrance.

I watched in a state of shock as he walked over to where I was shackled and crouched down beside me. His green eyes flagrant with anger, he unlocked the metal clamps from my ankles and wrists, relieving them from their excruciating pain.

"What took you so long?" I rubbed the tender skin on the insides of my wrists, licking the cut above my top lip that stung without mercy. But it was nothing compared to the mind-splitting headache that had my teeth grinding to push back the nausea.

Without speaking a word, he lifted me up in his arms with little effort, and I instinctively held on to his neck as he carried me out to the cold air of the night.

My body was shivering against his chest, which he noticed and instead of placing me onto the leather of the backseat, he got in while still holding me on his lap.

"I can't believe I'm fucking doing this again," he said as I clung to him, leaning my head to rest on his firm shoulder.

His jaw clenched when I trembled in his arms, a small whimper escaping my lips and for the first time in months, I was grateful for his presence.

The vehicle started to move and two other engines growled behind us, their tires scraping against gravel as they followed.

"Thank you, Niccolo," I whispered into his neck.

I noticed a faded scar above his left eyebrow as his face hardened. I felt his body stiffen, shifting beneath me, adjusting his position so that my legs had more space on the seat.

"If you tell anyone, I'll fucking kill you," he threatened and my mouth curved into a weak smile.

It was a long drive back to the mansion and I kept on slipping in and out of a slumber. The aftereffects of the drugs evidently hadn't worn off yet.

Once the vehicle came to a halt, indicating that we had arrived, the door opened and I was lifted into the arms of a large man, who carried me into the mansion and up to my room.

I heard Cecilia's heels clicking on the laminate floor when I was placed on the bed, and immediately ran to my side.

"Oh, mio dio. Cosa ti e successo?"

Concern was written on her face, while her eyes raked over the marks on my arms and neck.

She disappeared into the bathroom briefly and I heard the sound of water running as she helped me up, and carefully led me to the tub.
I flinched at the smallest maneuver when she began to undress me. As gentle as she was, every single movement hurt like a bitch.

Breaking Midnight (Il Paradosso Series Book One)Where stories live. Discover now