Chapter nine

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My legs seem to have a mind of their own, not receiving the signals that my brain is sending to them. They inattentively wander in the direction they choose to, and I have no control over them.

My heart palpitations are at a much leisure pace than usual.

In-distinctive conversations make their way through my congested eardrums.

Everything moves in slow motion.
My legs are on the go again, wobbling down a flight of stairs and into a vehicle, slumping into the seat.

Now we are passing through a double-gated entrance, while the incoherent chattering continues again for a split second and the vehicle comes to a halt. The engine is cut off and the door to my side opens, allowing my legs to continue their journey.

My body is covered in bruises from the night before―Niccolo's stun gun.

A gigantic door opens and I am dragged through it, ushered by my waist.

"Who the fuck is she?"

The unfamiliar voice seems from afar, but has a vibrato to it.

"Antonio's new whore."

"Ehi, bella."

"Don't bother, she's doped up. It was either that, or shoot her in the fucking mouth."

The sound of high-heels clicking approaches and I'm pulled up by the other side, this time with less force.

"If she starts acting up again, knock her out. I don't want her making a scene tonight."

It's difficult to get my feet up the long stairway, but with the help of the person carrying my weight, I manage. I turn to look at their face through droopy eyelids, but they avoid my gaze.

The bed I am placed on is soft and silky, and the pillow has a sweet lavender smell to it. It feels nice against my skin so I allow it to consume me.


My eyes fluttered open to a foreign environment. Sitting up slowly, I took in my surroundings. I wasn’t on an airplane anymore and I had a strong feeling I was no longer in New York. As my mind cleared, I began to slowly recognize the patterns. The room was covered in beautiful soft nuances of ivory and gold. I slid off of the bed, feeling the cool on the pads of my feet from the grey laminate floor.

On my right were two large windows, draped with beautiful ivory curtains that led out onto a large balcony. To the left of the windows stood a dresser with an oval mirror, both matching the color of the rest of the décor in the room, and a modern wardrobe with sliding doors.

My heart was pounding. I wasn’t even in the same country, in fact, this was far from it.

A plush white carpet took up the center of the room. At the opposite end sat a matching leather sofa and a marble table, lined with gold.

I stepped further. A door at the far end of the room connected to a bathroom with cream marble that was bigger than the entire apartment Emma and I had rented. It had a double of everything: from toilets, to sinks, to the double walk-in showers. There was also a large bath with a Jacuzzi that could easily fit five people in it.

I sat on the toilet, resting my head in my hands, deliberating about the last twenty-four hours that had passed. Niccolo came into my room and ordered me to be ready in 30 minutes because we were leaving the country and I had protested, withholding my ground.

Bull was brought into the room to handle me, but I fought against him too and ended up getting tazed, multiple times. In the early morning he carried me to the car in handcuffs, stuffing me into the back seat.

Breaking Midnight (Il Paradosso Series Book One)Where stories live. Discover now