Chapter 27

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So I added this fun song to remind y'all SUMMER IS COMING anyway enjoy <3

~Addison pov
"I- hey- nice to meet ya I guess?" the boy said to me. "I literally did not expect this but hey." I was shocked as well as the others. "So let me get this right ok? You met my gf's sister at the school library and y'all are bsf's now?" Bryce asked his brother. "Yes kinda. We met outside the school library." The boy said. "Wait what's your name btw I didn't ask you." I asked him as I remembered I didn't know his name.

"Leo! My name is Leo." He said to me. "Ok now that y'all met each other can me and Leo go for ice cream now?" Rose said as Leo nodded looking at Bryce. "Yes you can" Bryce said as they left the dorm. "Damn I really did not expect this" I said to Bryce as he laughed. "Same. Anyway that gives us more than enough time to set up her party" he told me.

He held my hand as we went to find Dixie. "There you are again. So who is the mysterious boy?" Dixie asked me. "Well he is Bryce's brother.." I said as I left Dixie shocked. "I- I didn't expect this tbh" she said. I agreed with her. We arrived at the place were Dixie set up the party. She told us it was gonna be a pool party and then she could come to the sway house for an outdoors movie party. Not gonna lie Rose loved whenever she comes to sway.

She loves the boys. They spend so much time with her, they make TikTok, play board games they even teach her how to play chess. Dixie told me to find Rose's best friend and ask her with which kids she hangs out the most.

2 hours past and we were finally done with the set up of the surprise party. We were now in sway and we were staying there because we didn't decorate it so the surprise would be obvious. I called Rose to come to sway and I told her I brought her, her clothes so she wouldn't have to go to the dorm.

Everyone else sat at the couch. I was scrolling on my fyp when suddenly I felt some hands wrapping around my waist. "Bryce I know it's you" I said giggling. "And I also know when you hug me like this you want something so tell me what's up." I told him as I faced him.

"Can we order McDs? Please." He said in his simp voice. He doesn't do this often but when he does it he is so mf cute. "Yes we can" I said smiling and kissing his forehead. As I ordered we heard the doorbell. It was Rose. The boys immediately went to open the door.

"Hey little one!" I heard Bryce calling her. "I swear to god if you call me a little one, one more time imma break your bones!" I heard her replying. "Oh that's how you play now huh?" I heard Bryce saying.

~Bryce pov
I grabbed Rose and i threw her on the couch and started tickling her. I knew she hated it....but I don't really care. "B-Br-Bryce s-stop!" She yelled but I continued giggling. "Ok imma stop but it is not over yet missy go say hi to your sister now." I said as she ran to Addison and hugged her. "Adds! Ugh your boyfriend's really annoying sometimes!" I heard her saying.

"Hahahaha oh you really don't know how he tortures me." Addison said looking at me. "Um- ok.. I don't really want that much details, I heard you enough yesterday." Rose said as she laughed. Everyone's eyes went straight to me and Addison as me and her were making eye contact. "So you torture her that much Bryce? Damn!" I heard Blake saying from the living room.

"Can y'all just shut up!" I said. I went to the kitchen where Addison was. I placed her on the counter she had her hands on my shoulders and she was playing with my hair. "I ordered your favorite for tonight as a thank you for pleasuring me yesterday" she smirked. "Oh then we can do this more often" I also smirked.

~Addison pov
As I was in kitchen with Bryce I felt a bit nauseous. "Um imma go to the bathroom rq." I said to him. I didn't really know what was happening to me. Until..I threw up..


Um- yeah cliffhanger? Idk? HAHHAHAHAHA ok maybe. Lol. Ok so! I may start oneshots for the ones who are lazy to read chapters! Soo don't miss out what is coming!! Also stay tuned to see what happens next!

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