Chapter 7

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~Addison pov
So I got to my dorm and I saw Rose and Dixie laying on my bed watching a movie. "Hi! How did it go?!" She said mocking me, "I can't talk right now I am going on a date!" I said smiling and blushing at the same time. "A DATE?! ALREADY?!" Dixie screamed, "yes Dixie A DATE" I answered to her.

I got in my red long dress and I put my hair up to a formal bun. I said bye to the girls and I got in my car. As I was driving my hands were shaking and my mind couldn't stop thinking about Bryce. I wanted to get to know him so much.

I arrived at the restaurant that we were supposed to meet up. I saw Bryce standing at the front of the door. I walked up to him, he smiled. He looked at me and his jaw dropped, his eyes were wide open. "Hey." I said getting his attention back to my eyes. "Hey you stunning lady." He said mocking me.

"So if you think here is were we eat tonight you are totally fooled" he said, I was confused why would he even bring me here if we weren't supposed to eat here.
He grabbed my hand softly and we leaded me to his car, he opened the door for me. I got in, I was so confused. "Where are we going?" I asked him while looking at his eyes. "You'll see" he answered with a huge smile on his face. On the road we talked about our lives, how things are going with out families, when did we get here. We were laughing until..he told me where his high school was. HE WAS GOING AT THE SAME HIGH SCHOOL AS ME. LIKE WOW.

"You are not serious,you are not going there, shut up" he said. "I'm deadly serious, omg why I haven't see you?" I asked him. " I don't know?" He answered me. We were talking al the way to our destination about our high school. "Ok in 5 minutes we're there so I need you to put that blind fold please" he said smiling at me. I put on the blindfold. I was still a bit confused but i was sure it would be perfect.

We arrived at our destination. He got out of the car and came to my door. He opened it for me. He grabbed both of my hands and helped me to get out of the car. He was now holding both of my shoulders. I was hearing waves and it had a complete silence. I realized he had brought me to the beach,  it I didn't know why. "Ok imma count to three and then you can remove your blindfold ok?" He said to me. I nodded to him and he started counting.

*hey everyone hope you have an amazing day or night! Love you all stay safe!
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