Chapter 22

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Srry but this chapter needed this song ☠️ enjoy

~Bryce pov
I was sure that this would work. "So sign up what are you waiting?" I showed her the list for the school talent show. This kid had a special talent and we were sure she was gonna win. "No Bryce I can't do it" she said. "OMG ROSE PLZ YOU HAVE A TALENT NOW WRITE YOUR NAME" Addison said to her.

"Omg fine" she said as she was writing her name. "Ok when do I start?" She asked me. "You start tomorrow." I said to her. "TOMMOROW?" she yelled. "Yeah what's the prob?" Addison asked her. "Omg I have to learn a song in 24 hours!" She said. "Cmon you can do this we will help as much as we can!" Addison said, I nodded as we were walking away.

Suddenly another girl was walking towards us. "Do not speak or look at her, this is Sara, she is from my class she thinks she owns everyone and everything. She will soon come to you Bryce but plz send her where she came from" she said to me as Sara approached us. "Oh look who it is. Rose. Nice to see you nerd, I bet you are annoying these two so you can get an autograph." She said as I saw Rose turning red from her anger.

Rose had anger issues which are getting worse day by day. "Ok wanna know something. I am not dealing with you today you bitch!" She said. "Rose language!" I heard Addison saying to Rose. "Wait why are you talking to her like she is an other annoying kid which wants an autograph from you and Bryce Hall I mean cmon" I heard Sara say.

"Ok you know what! This is my sister, I will not let anyone talk shit about her or else they have to deal with me." She said as she was stepping really close to her. They were ready to fight. I had to see this. "Oh so you want me now to believe this shit? Cmon Rose show me what u got!" She said to Rose.

I was sure this is going to be a fight! "I won't cz I respect some ppl around here so I am not dealing with you today! Let's go let that bitch sign up for the talent show and see who she is messing with." Me and Addison were just sitting there watching them fight. We heard her say let's go while she roasted Sara.

Me and Addison were trying really hard not to laugh. We heard Sara from behind yelling. "Oh so you two are really with her. Ok then Bryce go spend time with this little slut and the whore she has for a sister, my sister fits better for you anyways!" She yelled. We all three stopped. I was MAD. That kid really continues this.

I saw a tear falling down from Addison's eyes as Rose was looking at her. "That's it!" Rose yelled. "You will not talk about my sister like that ever again you heard me slut!" She yelled as she was approaching Sara. She began to slowly run and then...

She fucking kicked her in the stomach. Sara fell down as Rose started punching her. The whole school began to gather up just to see these two fight. Not gonna lie they were both really fucking tough. I stayed with Addison the whole time as we were watching them fight.

The were punching each other way harder that we thought. "Go split them up" I heard Addison whisper but I didn't hear her well so I asked her to repeat. "GO SPLIT THEM UP" She yelled. I ran to them Rose was seriously hurt but she didn't stop. Me and another guy split them up. We grabbed both of the girls and picked them up.

Rose's nose was bleeding. I didn't even know two 15 y/o girls can be that strong. "I'm not done with you bitch!" Rose yelled at her as we were walking away. We got Rose to my dorm to help her clean the blood. "Are you good?" Addison asked her worried as we were walking away.

Rose tried to stay strong and don't seem like she was hurt but the second we turn to the corner she couldn't keep her balance. Sara has hit her really hard on the legs and punched her on the face. "How tf are you even fighting. You two are way too strong for 15 y/o" I said to her.

We got to my room and we placed Rose to the counter. Addison grabbed the bandage and I got a wet cloth to clean the cuts. "Plz don't do it!" She said. "Why did you even fight with her" Addison said as she was wrapping her arm with the bandage. "I can't keep hearing ppl talking shit about you" Rose said in pain.

~Addison pov
I was so worried for my sis when I watched her fight. I saw in her eyes she couldn't handle the fight anymore and she could hurt herself worse than now. I screamed to Bryce to go split them. After we got to our dorm and wrapped her arms Bryce had already got a wet cloth. He cleaned her nose which was bleeding.

I was staring at him. He will be so good with kids. Oh no- not think that early about the future don't. It is way to early. Anyway. When Rose was all "set up" Bryce picked her up and put her on his bed. "Why did you fight with her that much?" He said softly as he moved her hair out of her face.

He was so cute. "I just didn't like when I saw Addison tearing up because she talked shit about you" she said, "aw baby it was ok you didn't have to fight that much." I said to her. "So...just to forget a bit about this,how about, on the talent show, when you are better, you play something for me and Addison just to prove everyone that I am not leaving this beauty?" He said making my heart melt.

"That's actually a pretty good idea!" She said, "so what are you gonna play?" I asked her smiling. "Surprise" she said smiling.


LMAO I can't with this chapter ☠️ BRUH. I am leaving you guys there. The song is for you Holly☠️ LMAO. Anyway, stay tuned to see what happens next. Socials: insta: brxddz.vs TikTok:braddz.fp LOVE Y'ALL🤍

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