Chapter 4

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~Addison pov
I explained everything that had happened till now to Dixie. She seemed that she will like her. I was a bit worried of what my sister's impression would be about Dixie. Anyways.. we sat at the living room till midnight. It was late and Dixie would stay at our dorm. Luckily tomorrow is Saturday so we didn't have school. Tomorrow would be the day that Rose would meet my best friend! I couldn't wait!


~Addison pov
Today is the day my sister will meet my bestie!! They were both sleeping so I decided to make them breakfast. I made pancakes. Somehow pancakes were both Rose and Dixie favorite breakfast meal. I can't even imagine how well they will get with each other. As I set the table down I heard footsteps coming right up to the kitchen. "What is that smell?!". was Rose obviously she smelled the pancakes from her room. "PANCAKES!" she yelled, I was sure that with these yells Dixie had woken up. "Wait why is there three dishes is anyone here?" She asked me. "Well since my best friend came over yesterday when you slept I've decided to introduce her to you", I said with an excitement. "DIXIE!" I yelled so I was sure she had woken up.  She quickly ran to the kitchen. "What bro?...wait pancakes!" Yes of course they would be the first thing that she would notice. "Oh hi! You must be Rose right?

"Yes! You must be Dixie", Rose said. "Wait pancakes are ur fav too?" Dixie asked her, "yeah! I love them", Rose answered to Dixie. I was just standing there watching them talk about pancakes. "Anyways girls! Get to know each other but Rose I will pick your outfit for today!" I said to her with excitement again. "Oh ok I'm sure you'll pick a really cute one!" She said. I run straight to her room. There were so many choices. To be honest Rose has a REALLY GOOD STYLE. I picked her a yellow crop top with a yellow skirt as well. I also picked a cute yellow headband from her drawer and some yellow heels. fifteen year old sister wear heels. Wait don't imagine like really high heels! Anyway I set her outfit on her bed and I went back to the kitchen.

"So how are y'all doing here?" I asked. "Oh we're doing absolutely well Dixie is one of the coolest people I know! We have so much in common!" Rose said, I wasn't that surprised. I knew Dixie and Rose will do well with each other. Otherwise they are both Leos so I must be a little aware of big parties and stuff.

*hey people sorry I wasn't active unfortunately schools closed again *lmao* SO I will be more active now! Lmao. This chapter is a bit short I think... ANYWAYS hope you all like it* my socials are : TikTok🎶: bradds.fp
Love you all byeee *

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