Chapter 15

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*I added some music so you can read along if you like! Tell me what songs you would like to listen as you are reading this*

~Bryce pov
The next day I woke up first. I let her to sleep. It was now 6:00A.M and I didn't want to wake her up that early for school. I got dressed, brushed my teeth and then I went to Addison. I was staring at her. I caressed softly her hair. I whispered to her. "Adds...wake up...we have school..." I said with a soft voice. I was acting like a dad trying to wake up his daughter.

Addison slowly opened her eyes. I kissed her forehead as she was turning around to face me. "2 more minutes plz.." she said in a sleepy voice and she got under the quilt. "Wait what time is it?." She also said. "It is 6:50" I said softly. "Awe ok imma get ready then." She said as she was standing up rubbing her eyes. She immediately fell into my arms and she hugged me. She almost slept on my shoulder.

I picked her up like a baby and I brought her to the bathroom. I placed her on the counter. She had her hands on my shoulders. "Plz do not do it." She said in a moody voice. " sorry cutie but you have to wake up." I opened the tap and I placed some water on her eyes. "Nooowaa don't" she said like she was a 6 y/o. She was so cute. "Ok ok I'm up..wait is this your shirt?" She said. "Yes it is you didn't want your hoodie last night because you said the room was too warm." I said giggling. "Oh ok..imma go to my dorm to change" she said.

~Addison pov
As I left Bryce's dorm the hallway was empty. Nobody woke up probably. I looked at his shirt. I grabbed it and smelled it. It smelled just Ike him... I went to my dorm. Rose was sleeping. She was so cute... anyway I went in her room and I said to her softly. "Good morning little one time to wake up..." I said quietly. She said a yes at she was rubbing her eyes. "Whose shirt is this" she said in s sleepy voice and she smiled. "Bryce's I went to his dorm yesterday." I said to her she smiled and she got up.

We both got ready. We left the room. We met Dixie and Mads at the hallway. "Good morning you two!" I said to them. "Gm Addison..who is this?" She said as she looked at Rose. "She is my sister" I said smiling. "Wait since when you have a sister?" She asked me. "We'll long story.." Rose said to her. "I am Rose nice to meet ya" she introduced herself. "Ok Addison igtg my class is starting. Bye girls,bye sissy!" She said and she gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"How cute, how old is she?" Mads asked me. "She is 15, and I know she seem like she is 12 but when you get to know her better you'll understand that she has two sides..." I said as we were walking to our class. Suddenly...

* I must leave you here LMFAO anyway hope you like the story 🥺❤️ so far*

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