Chapter 2 - Faithful Encounter

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Location: ???
(Archer POV)

(3 month timeskip)

These few months have been so hectic.

Week 1: Learnt about the hostory of the world. Overall its the same as my world but with a few weird twists. Firstly, there are Quirks that almost 80% of the population has which means everyone has a unique superpower. Interesting. And those who are unlucky are deemed 'Quirkless'. They are shunned by society for not having a Quirk which in my opinion isn't fair. Secondly, there are heroes and villians. There are agencies and leagues for both of the organisations and if you need to be a hero, you need a license. So, you need a license to help and save people. Man, that's stupid. This world is twisted indeed. But there are people called vigilantes who help and save people even though they don't have a license. That's good, maybe I'll be one to kill some time. But they are constantly chased by professional heroes. That's a downside. Well I doubt that they can even catch me so that's an advantage. I also made a fake ID for myslef. Don't want anyone to know that I'm from another world after all.

Week 2: Found a job as a cook. The pay is alright and the staff there are fine. The boss is weird tho, using slangs to talk making him sound like a Malaysian. Anyway ever since I joined more customers have been coming to the restaurant. Are they even eating proper food? *sigh*

Month 2: Became a vigilante a week ago. They call me the Red Huntsman which is quite fitting. And so many pros tried to catch me. Don't they have things to do?
Esecially that guy who uses a scarf? *sigh* I need more coffee.

Location: Restaurant
(Archer POV)

Archer: *sigh* Another day survived. These 'cooks' are so slow. Even Sakura was faster than them.

Daniel: Ay kid, good job today.

Archer: Thanks Boss.

Daniel: So are ye going to register for the UA entrance exam? The registration starts tomorrow.

Archer: Entrance what?

Daniel: Haiyo you a, don't know what it is? Oh right, forgot you aren't from here. Alright listen here kid, the Entrance Exam is the most famous and hardest exam to determine their acceptance into UA.

Daniel: It consists of a written test and a practical test, with the practical test being the more important of the two. In the practical, ye got 10 minites to destroy as many robots as possible ok? And it's a one time thing a year only so ye got one chanve only. If ye do well in it ye can join the hero course.

Archer: Huh. That's for the info, altho I wonder how do you even know these things?

Daniel: 4th wall breaki- I mean ways kid, ways. Anyway, you joining the exam?

Archer: Hmm. There isn't any reason not to go to UA. Other than shortening patrol times i think its a good move. Alright Boss, I'll join the Entrance Exam.

Daniel: Nice *whispers* And I can pay you less too. *normal* I'll cut your time so that you can train for it. You better get into the hero course aight kid?

Archer: *chuckles* Aight Boss I will.

Location: Random Street
(Archer POV)

After work, I was walking back to my apartment when I suddenly heard an explosion. Hearing that it's nearby, I went to check it out.

When I reaches to the destination, I saw a sludge/slime thing holding a ash-blond haired boy hostage while the heroes are hesitating to save him.

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