Back into the old clothes!

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Admin: Hey. Hey Chrom. Chrom. *pokes with a stick* Chrom.

Chrom: *wakes up* Huh? Wha--? Admin, what are you doing?

Admin: *outside of tent, poking Chrom with a large stick to wake him up* Waking you up. I thought you might want to know you can change back into your own clothes now.

Chrom: *tries to get out of bed as quickly as possible* *gets tangled in the blankets* *falls on floor, a messy knot of limbs and blankets*

Admin: ...

Chrom: *face on ground* Give me a few minutes.

Admin: Riiight. *walks away to get Nowi, who is still wandering around looking adorable in Chrom's oversized clothes*


Chrom: *finally walks out, hands at the ready to change back as soon as possible*

Admin in the distance: WAHOO!

Chrom: What is she...

Nowi: *in dragon form* *does an arial loop de loop above camp, sending a gust of wind that nearly knocks over all the tents and revealing there's something on her back*

Chrom: *squints* Is that...



Admin: *looks down* *notices Chrom shouting and waving* *misinterprets and waves back happily*


Nowi: What'd he say?

Admin: Umm... Something about coming.... Maybe he wants a turn? I guess we better go down then... But first! Another loop!

Chrom: What did I do to deserve this...?


Admin: *hops off Nowi's back* So, what was it that you wanted, Chrom?

Chrom: *facepalm* You were the one the woke me up for the sole purpose of it.

Admin: Erm...

Chrom: To switch back our outfits, remember?

Admin: Oh yeeeaaaah! Alright, grab your other sets of clothes, then, guys!


Chrom: Ahhh.... It's so nice to be back in clothes that actually fit! *stretches*

Nowi: *walks out in her own clothes again* Phew! Your clothes were too hot, Chrom! Geez!

Admin: But you did look cute in them. Either way, you're back to normal... For now...

Chrom: *gulp*

Admin: ... So ask, dare, and comment below!

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