Chapter Thirty

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The club looked completely different in the daylight. The huge dance floor was empty, VIP lounge deserted, and it was eerily quiet. I followed the man working the door back to a hall that led to Stefan's office. He knocked and opened the door as I stepped in and closed it behind me.

Stefan sat at his desk on the phone. He motioned with a finger for me to hold on and I walked around his office, looking at the shelves filled with books, files, and small sculptures on them. I ran my fingers along the shelves and stopped when I came to the only picture in his entire office. I looked over at Stefan, never seeing any sort of personal item of his. His apartment was minimally decorated so I felt like I was seeing something I wasn't supposed to. He was turned and still talking on the phone.

I picked up the frame and looked at the man and little boy. The older man looked just like Stefan. He was bulkier than Stefan is now and with a round gut. He had tattoos up the front of his neck and his hand that was draped around the little boys shoulder. He was wearing an all black suit and had a beard and mustache that was turning gray. The little boy was smiling in contrast to the stern looking older man. He had unruly black curls on his head and was missing a front tooth. He had his arms pulled behind his back. His eyes were wide and so innocent. I ran my finger over it.

Stefan set his hands on my shoulders and I jumped, almost dropping the picture.

"Jesus, you scared me." I hadn't heard him get off the phone. He lifted the picture from my hands and looked at it before setting it back down. I turned to him.

"Is that you and your father?" I asked. He leaned back on his desk and put his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Yes." He said flatly. I pursed my lips, wanting to ask more questions but his tone told me he didn't want to talk about it. He knew almost everything about me, so I decided to ask anyways.

"What happened to him?" I put my hands on his shoulders and massaged gently. He closed his eyes as I kneaded them.

"He died a little while ago from cancer." He kept his eyes closed as he answered.

"When?" I pressed, wanting to see how much I could get out of him.

"Six months." He said. I kissed the corner of his mouth and massaged him harder, rewarding him for the answer.

"That must of been hard. What about your mother?" His eyes opened and narrowed on me.

"I don't want to talk about that right now." He pulled me in closer by my hips and bushed his lips over mine.

"You know you can talk to me about it if you want to, right?" I leaned our heads together and brushed my nose against his.

"Less talking, more fucking." He said, spinning us around, turning me and bending me over his desk. I let out a shaky breath as his hand pressed down on the back on my neck, pushing my cheek into the cool glass top.

He reached around me, working the button of my jeans and pulling them down. I put my palms down on the desk, listening to his heavy breathing and the fabric of my jeans sliding off my legs. I stepped out of them when he had them down over my ankles.

I heard his sharp intake of air, knowing exactly what illicited that reaction from him. He was looking at the thong I had on. It was white lace with a bow at the top of my ass. He slid it down, to my ankles. His hands went to my cheeks and I pushed back into his touch. He started massaging my ass gently before pulling his hand back and smacking it.

I gasped and tried to turn to look at him but he pressed his hand down again on my neck, keeping me from moving.

"I told you what I was going to do when I saw you. Did you think I was lying?" He smacked the same asscheek again and I let out a small whimper. The heat on my skin was creeping up from my bottom to my spine. He smacked it again, but rubbed it right after, soothing the sting.

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