Chapter Thirty Five

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I couldn't help but gape at him. Ox? Claire's father? There was no fucking way in hell.

"Explain." I bit out.

"Lydia Morgan was having an affair right when she got pregnant. I met her when we were kids, both growing up in Chicago. I moved to New York and she stayed. I went back, twenty four years ago to check in on her. She was married to Cyrus. We reconnected, only for a night. She got pregnant with my fucking baby, with my fucking child. She lied and told Cyrus it was his, but she knew the fucking truth. I pulled Claire's hospital records. Her blood type is only compatible if one of her parents share the same. Lydia doesn't, and neither does Cyrus, but I do." He stared down at me, spitting out the words.

"She's my fucking daughter. When I saw your interest in her, I fucking decided to get rid of you. You don't deserve her. You fucking picked her up and brought her right into harms way proving just how much of a selfish fuck you actually are, Burlosconi. I stayed here when I realized Claire was my daughter because I loved your father and I thought Claire was better off not knowing a man like me, but then you fucking happened. You fucking piece of shit." I shoved the knife deeper, causing his eyes to water. Melanie's gasp brought me back to the room. I remembered we weren't alone.

"I don't believe." I growled. "You fucking protected me for years. You never even knew her."

"That's what a good man does. He knows when someone he loves would be better off without him. It's what you should have done."

My thoughts were racing. I looked over to Melanie and her face was just as shocked as I knew mine was. This couldn't be true, could it? Cyrus was Claire's father. He had to be.

"Melanie, open the door and keep your gun aimed at him." I shoved Ox towards the exit. I needed to see Claire now. I would figure this out but right now I needed to see that she was still breathing. I pulled my gun out and had both weapons in my grip, following behind Ox as we went up the stairs.

As soon as I could see over the top step, I saw Trinity eyeing Melanie who had gone up first, gun still pointed at Ox. Claire was tied up in a chair. Her eyes widened when she saw me and I saw her heavy breathing through the movements of her chest. She was gagged but tears were falling from her eyes. Trinity had a gun pointed right at her head. I heard Claire scream through her gag but the sounds were muffled.

"What the fuck is going on?" Trinity asked.

"What does she know?" I asked Ox.

"Claire knows nothing yet." He said, staring at Trinitys gun pointed at Claire. "Trinity, put the gun down." For a moment, it was hard to remember we weren't on the same team. I looked over to Melanie who was shaking, the gun wobbling in her hands.

We were all coming undone. This was so fucked and it was my fault. All of this was.

"I'll drop mine when they drop theirs." Trinity said. "Melanie, you don't need to be here." Neither of us made a move to drop our raised guns.

"Why the fuck are you here Trinity?" I darted my glance back to Claire, terrified and bound. She looked unharmed from what I could see. Trinity looked at Ox.

"Because she wants Dante in power. We eliminate you and he takes over." Ox answered for her. The fucking nerve of these people.

"If you don't lower your weapons I will shoot her." She pressed the gun further into Claire's head. Claire was looking at me with wide and pleading eyes, tears covering her cheeks. I needed to get her free. I needed to get her safe.

"I will put a bullet in Ox and then you if you don't lower the gun in two second Trinity!" I roared and the sounds of my voice echoed in the huge space. "Put down your fucking gun now." Trinity's gaze darted between us all, contemplating what to do. I saw her finger start moving to pull the trigger. Before I could move or think, the gun went off.

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