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I could feel my heart racing, my pulse hammering in my neck.

I knew I had minutes before they would find me.

Before he would find me.

I leaned back in the open door of the driver side and pulled out the cigarettes and pack of matches from the center console he had hidden. I plucked one out of each and set the cigarette between my lips.

I could smell the gasoline. So much gasoline. I had coated the entire back of the car in it. Once I had the cigarette lit and the match still burning, I tossed it through the open back window. I saw the blaze start as I stepped back. My heels and the igniting flames the only noises in the desolate alley.

I took a long drag from the cigarette and watched as the entire back of the car lit up. The flames making shadows dance on the building behind the expensive Range Rover. I exhaled a cloud of smoked and let my head fall back, eyes closed, the cool air caressing my face and making me feel more than just anger for the first time in hours.

How the hell did this become my life?

I felt the lingering storm send a few more drops down to kiss my face.

I took one last hit of the cigarette and stepped forward. I threw it in the front seat of the car that hadn't caught fire yet.

I looked up at the camera that was pointed directly at me, red light blinking. If he wasn't watching now, he would see this soon enough.

I raised my middle finger to my lips, kissed the pad of it, and flipped off the camera. He, of all people, would appreciate the personal touch.

I turned and ran into the night, hoping that my disappearing act would actually be permanent this time.

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