Chapter Twenty Seven

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We had sex the entire plane ride home. The couch, the seat Stefan had sat in the night he took me, the bed. Everywhere. This time, there weren't body guards to worry about. When we landed, the terrified driver nodded at us and opened my door saying "Welcome home, Mrs. Burlosconi."

The last time I had been here getting off the plane for the first time, I was a shell of a girl without knowing it. Now I was someone I could be proud of. I was Stefan's. I was his from the first time he kissed me in the library.

We got to the penthouse and as soon as the elevator doors opened, Melanie shot out and hugged me tightly.

"Oh my God, you dumb stupid bitch!" She hugged me even while Stefan still had my hand in his. "I want to murder you for leaving." She pulled away and smiled at me. "You're so fucking lucky Stefan wouldn't tell me where you were, I would have went there and drug you back here myself. I was here everyday pestering his drunk and miserable ass for your location."

"She really was." He said. He let go of my hand and Melanie looked me over.

"If you ever leave again, please take me with you." I laughed and hugged her.

"I'm not going anywhere." I looked at the apartment behind her and it was an absolute disaster. The furniture looked like it had been torn apart with a knife and there was broken glass everywhere. I saw Stefan go over to the kitchen and pull out three glasses and poured the clear liquor Melanie had poured us the first time I met her.

We walked over and Melanie put her head on my shoulder.

"Who's blood is on you guys?" She asked. Stefan raised his brows at me, letting me be the one to answer. I threw back the shot he poured me and took Melanie's from her and did hers too.

"I will literally kill you if you ever do that again." She said seriously. Stefan and I laughed at her.

"Where's Tito and Oxy Cotton?" She looked over to Stefan.

"Matteo's in Chicago and Ox is with him. Tito.." He said, "..was shot."

"Holy shit! By who?!" She asked with wide eyes. Stefan took his shot and pointed to me. She looked at me and I thought her eyes were going to pop out of their sockets.

"It's a long story." I said. "Another time, promise." She shook her head and took the bottle from in front of Stefan, taking a huge swig of it.

"Can you guys please take me along next time? I don't like being left out of things."

"No we can't." Stefan said. "Because the next place we go will be our honeymoon and you are not invited."

"Aw come on, I'll stay away from you guys and find a cabana boy to give me some foreign hospitality."

"You're really lucky I'm related to you. If you were one of Claire's friends on her own, I wouldn't let her spend more than two minutes with you." Stefan pulled my hand from the counter and pulled me over to him. He put my back on his chest and stomach on the cool marble, facing Melanie. He kissed my neck and set his hands on the counter in front of me.

"Yeah, but you are, so you can't." She said, sliding into one of the bar stools. She looked at us and smiled taking another swig.

"What?" I asked, squinting at her.

"Nothing. I just think you guys would make the cutest babies." She shrugged.

"We have you, we don't need a kid." Stefan said.

"Yeah but I will eventually grow up and spread my wings and then you'll have empty nest. That's when I'll be the aunt who teaches them to cuss and obtain their first fake I.D."

"Yeah, no." I said. "They'll have criminal in their DNA already. If they're not pit pocketing by age two, I'll be worried we brought home the wrong baby." Stefan placed his hand on my stomach and kissed my cheek.

"Let's go practice, shall we?" He went up stairs and left us in the kitchen.

"I guess that my cue." Melanie said, standing. She came over and hugged me. "I'm so happy you're back. He was miserable." She said.

"I was too." She looked at me and smiled before leaving.

I went upstairs to find Stefan stripping his clothes in the bathroom and turned on the shower. I looked him over, never being able to get enough of him. I looked at the butterfly on his chest and walked over to kiss it. He put his arms around me and hugged me against his naked body.

"Care to join?" He asked.

"Absolutely." I said. He got in the shower and I went over to the sink to get a hair tie to pull my hair back. I looked in the mirror and when I saw myself in it, I saw someone who was happy. She was finally where she was supposed to be. I reached behind me and pulled down the zipper of my dress, stepping out of it and into the shower. Stefan ran his hands over his eyes and wiped away the water from them.

I sunk down on my knees in front of him and he let out a small laugh. He put his fingers under my chin and titled my face up to him.

"I love you, you know that?" He had a hand on the glass door and his hair was dripping water down onto my face.

"Are you just saying that because I'm about to suck your dick?" I arched a brow and smirked at him.

"It helps." He said. I wrapped my hand around him and put his length in my mouth, loving the sound of him hissing out a breath. I had lots of making up to do and I was more than happy to do some of it on my knees in front of him.

I hallowed out my cheeks and sucked him into my mouth, licking and tasting all of him. I grabbed his ass and shoved him as deep into my mouth as I could. His hair went to my hair and pulled the pony tail I had. I made him fuck my mouth, over and over again.

"Claire!" He shouted as he spilled into my mouth. I rang every last drop from him and swallowed the taste of him. He pulled me up to him and shoved my back against the tiled wall.

"Your turn." He said dropping to his knees now. I fisted his hair as he licked and sucked at me. He threw my leg over his shoulder and kneaded my ass. I slammed my head back, no longer being able to keep my orgasm at bay anymore. I rode his face until the spasms made me have to stop.

He came up to me and kissed me, licking the drops of water off my nose.

"Welcome home, butterfly."

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