Chapter One

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You're my God, my smoking gun, my taste of fear and blood.

The music from the club was already loud, even though the sun was just starting to set. The city around me was quiet, streets empty and wet from the afternoon rain. This area of town was always deserted until the sun had completely set. The people living within it confined to wait for the darkness of the night to give them the cover to come out and play.

People like me.

I entered the old warehouse that was transformed into a club a few years ago. Rogue. The familiar smell of booze and smoke from the fog machines burned my nose and was a harsh change from the fresh cold air outside.

Trigger dipped his head towards me when I walked past him. He was working the door tonight, as he always did every Friday. Out of all of Dex's men, I liked him the most. He was always kind to me. The rest of the men that worked for Dex only thought about me as an entitled princess and a liability. A few people were littering the couches of the VIP areas surrounding the dance floor, some groups seated in sections around the bar, and a few girls that were already way too drunk were the only bodies swaying on the dance floor to the music. Even though I was walking straight over to grab a drink before my meeting, I knew by the time I left my encounter with Dex that I would be fighting my way through a sea of people to get out.

Jack was working the bar and yelled over the music once he saw me, "The queen is gracing us with her presence, ladies and gents, ring the bell to let the kingdom know!" He waved his hands around in an exaggerated gesture. Two girls that were seated in front of him turned to see who he was now giving his attention to and they both gave me a once over with matching scowls.

"Two fingers baby." I told him, leaning on the service area. I needed a drink before dealing with Dex. I had just closed my biggest con yet. I knew he would be happy to hear the big news, but even happier to see me.

I shouldn't feel dread when it came to Dex, but lately it was hard to describe the feeling any other way. Dex didn't do anything wrong except love me, but I wasn't a girl someone should ever love. I wasn't a girl who could ever be in love. I had my demons, just like everyone else, but I embraced mine. I welcomed the shadows of my darker side. I played in them.

"Oh, no foreplay tonight? This is why you're my favorite Claire, always straight to the good stuff." Jack smiled and I heard one of the girls scoff. He was all charm and confidence now, but he would never play around with me like this in front of the boss.. in front of Dex. He turned and poured me two fingers of my other favorite Jack, the GOAT of Whiskeys. These days, Jack Daniels was the only man who got any of my attention other than my cons. He slid the glass to me. I threw it back, cherishing the burn that ran through my chest.

Dex was my father's 'son without his blood' as he had always called him. He was eight years older than me and ever since I turned sixteen, the brotherly love I had grown accustomed to turned into something different.

Something... deeper.

"Is Dex downstairs?" I asked, handing the empty glass to him.

"Yup, down in his lair. Maybe he'll stop being such a prick to the rest of us once he sees you." He winked and turned away from me, giving his attention back to the two brunettes pressing their tits together and leaning over the bar.

I made my way to the back stair case that led down to the basement where Dex's office was. Two of his body guards straightened when they saw me, that being the only indication they gave letting me know they had even noticed my presence. My heels echoed on the stairs as I headed towards his office. The noise ominous and making me want to get this over with that much more.

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