Are you Going to be Okay?

Start from the beginning

"But Shuichi!" She whined as she moved her body closer to his making his face contort as he looked even more uncomfortable.

"You should love me! You love me right? Kokichi is just someone you can use so you can make me jealous right?!" She said getting more frantic as the moment went on. Shuichi moved his arms to hold her shoulders making it possible for him to hold her away from himself.

"No! Of course not...I love Kokichi, and I liked you as a friend at one point, but I'm not even sure if I want to be that with you anymore after the ways you have been acting." He said letting the words leave his mouth. The camera was set on the counter leaning against something while it recorded. Rantaro walked over to pull Kaede away from him.

"Kaede...leave Shuichi alone." He said before she moved out of his grasp and...

Kissed him.

The entire time she held his face harshly smashing her lips against his own. He was trying to push her away from him, and after a few moments Rantaro pulled her away smacking her on the back of her head.

"What the hell Kaede?! Shuichi told you that he wasn't interested!" Rantaro said over the noise of the music before Kaede got angry.

"But he loves me! No one else!!" She started screaming, as you could hear Shuichi start to sniffle.

"He doesn't love you--see made him cry." Rantaro said before the video ended showing Shuichi crying.


I felt my stomach drop. Why did she...I knew she did that to Shuichi...but I didn't know that she did it so forcefully. Oh my god Shuichi. I'm so sorry for not believing you for a moment there...I feel so bad.

I sighed softly looking back at the entrance of the room before moving to the next messages. I decided to get whatever Kaito messaged me over with.

Kaito: So I hear that Shuichi was crying because of you? And you made Kaede cry?

Kaito: I can't believe you would do this to my sidekick and one of my close friends. What kind of monster are you?!

Kaito: God just when I thought you changed I get a message from Kaede proving how bad you are for Shuichi.

Kaito: You don't deserve him, he is just confused and you are lying and controlling him.

Kaito: I hate you

Kaito: I hate your homo ass that is taking my sidekick and hurting my other friends

Kaito: You are the worst, how do you even sleep at night? I will be coming by if Shuichi answers my message about moving back in with me. And then you will never speak to him again.

What the actual fuck?

Who does he even think he is?

Whatever--moving on from the homophobic asshole-

Maki: Hey, just remember anything Kaito says to you, you don't have to pay any mind to it. Kaede sent him a video that was badly edited by her friends about what happened. So know that he doesn't know what actually happened and he won't budge on how he "believes in Kaede" and how she "would never do anything wrong" so don't pay any mind to the dumbass. I'm going to have a long conversation with him about this--and I may end up breaking up with him. Don't know why I am telling you this, but forget about it.

I smiled a bit at Maki's message. At least someone is able to see how dumb Kaito is being...and Kaede--is just a manipulative liar--sure many would say the same about me...but I don't intentionally try to break peoples lives apart.

Kirumi: I know about the incident so I wanted to check in on you.

Kirumi: Just know if you or Shuichi need anything I can get it for you or serve you.

Kirumi: Nagito and I will be coming around to visit the two of you today around lunchtime. I will be bringing some food and we will be eating over there--Nagito said it would be fine but let me know if we need to change anything.

I smiled to myself. Nagito is always such a nice guy, no wonder he and Rantaro are my bros. We care for each other like a family and I love it.

Nagito: I know that happened last night--so Kirumi and I put something together for you! We will be coming over for lunch with some of the other friends you have!

Nagito: Rantaro will be there, Hajime, Chiaki, Gonta, Kirumi, and Ryoma will all be there! I mean I was planning on picking you guys up so we can go to the park and sit in the shade!

Nagito: Because I know you well and I know you dislike getting sunburnt--so I decided that would be best! And I'm sure Shuichi would like it as well (;

Nagito: Also, I wanted to ask you about this before to give you more of a warning...I was going to tell you when you came back downstairs--but you never showed. So I talked to Rantaro and he told me what happened, so I decided that you may need a hangout to get your mind off of things.

Nagito: Good luck Kokichi! See you later today!

Nagito you will always be something else. I don't know if Shuichi is going to want to go outside because of what happened...but I'm sure it would be good to go out and get some fresh air! And even if he feels nervous I will be there to hold his hand and remind him he doesn't need Kaede or Kaito to have friends who care about and cherish him.

Hajime: Hey nice to finally talk again.

Hajime: I know we don't talk much but Nagito invited me to the park for a picnic with you! And I am excited to speak to you again!

Gonta: Hello Kokichi! I excited to go to park with you and Kirumi!

Chiaki: Hey, I heard about what happened

Chiaki: I hate to say this but--Kaede has been trying to spread rumors about you

Chiaki: Know that me and the others would never believe her over you and Shuichi--because we all talked to Rantaro as well as heard her outside afterwards laughing about how she was going to "end your relationship"

Chiaki: Know I support you guys, best of luck <3

I went through the rest of the messages feeling relieved. I'm glad that the people that matter believe that I would never cause Shuichi pain in that way...

"Koki? What are you doing in here?" He asked, making me smile before I looked back at him.

"Good Morning Shumai"

-Here is the next part! Thank you all so much for reading! This was definitely the highlight of my day!-


The Lies That Cover The Truth [Oumasai/Saiouma]Where stories live. Discover now