Part Two - Chapter 29

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"Let's see here..." Evelyn mumbles as she pulls a piece of crumbled up paper from her pocket.

She smooths out the paper and glances at the writing before shoving it back into her pocket and riding off.

"Well, this is unexpected." She says aloud as she leans back on her motorcycle while judging the house in front of her.

"This looks like a house straight out of a horse farm movie." Evelyn mutters to herself as she dismounts the motorcycle and walks up to the porch.

A few feet from the door she feels a presence behind her. "Although, I have to admit, it's pretty genius." She adds as she turns around to face the man behind her.

"Soldat." The man smiles.

"I wasn't sure I got the right location. This place is so not you." She replies.

"Well, that's the point. They would never expect me to find refuge in a...farmhouse."

"Well I was certainly not expecting it."

"What were you expecting?" The man questions.

"A fancy rich people house with five garages, maybe a golf course." Evelyn shrugs, a smirk playing at her lips.

"Sorry to disappoint." The man chuckles.

"You know how much I adore your company, but I know you didn't call me here for a little chat. So, what's the deal?" Evelyn asks as she crosses her arms.


"Excuse me?" She raises a brow.

"You are wanted in three different states. I thought you were smarter than this."

"You know full well that wasn't my fault, I was under the radar for months until that asshole decided to out me."

"And Shield? How did they find out about you then?"

"Oh for gods sake." Evelyn rolls her eyes.

"You're being careless and that's not something I tolerate."

"Apologies your highness." Evelyn mocks him.

"What did you do to fix the problem?"

"The 'problem' is taken care of."

"And Viktor?"

"I took him off the chessboard," Evelyn replies, "There's only a few more players on the field that need a little...correction."

"And the pawn?" The man asks.

"Doesn't suspect a thing. He's too busy trying to get me in bed that he doesn't notice anything around him, it's laughable."

"And the Avengers? I heard they were a problem on your last mission."

"I completed the mission as usual but Barnes is insistent on 'saving' me."

"Is he going to become a problem? Do I need to take care of him?"

"No, I can handle lover boy."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Zemo, I said I can handle him." Evelyn snaps.

"I don't want to waste such good talent, but the Winter Soldier is not essential for my plan. Either you get him on board, or I take him out of the game." Zemo threatens.

"I won't fail you, I promise."

"You better hope not, because you won't like the consequences."

"I'll get it done." Eve assures him as she makes her way towards the motorcycle.

"Good, make sure the plan stays in motion and doesn't run off the tracks. Oh, and Soldat," Zemo calls after her.


"You have a new mission." Zemo smirks as he holds out a folder to her.

"Where?" Eve asks as she grabs the file out of his hand.

"A gala, there's something I need you to get for me." Zemo replies as she looks over the file.

"It's not an elimination?"

"No target." Zemo confirms.

"I'm assuming I need to take magic man?"

"Loki is good backup, yes." Zemo replies.

"Fine, but I'm not having sex with him, maybe, I don't know. I mean he's hot, but too clingy."

"He's going to leave if you keep stringing him along." Zemo says.

"He won't, trust me."

"And why is that?"

"I just know." Eve smiles as she swings a leg over the motorcycle.

"Don't fail me Soldat, you know what will happen if you do."

"Yeah yeah." Eve waves him off. "I do have a question though, about Loki. He isn't himself sometimes. I think someone's controlling him. Most of the time he's normal but there'll be moments where his eyes seem more clear and he's more gentle."

Zemo's silent for a moment, deep in thought.

"Keep me updated on his mood changes then. If it worsens, I'll have someone monitor him and determine if he's still a valuable asset."

"And if he isn't?"

"He'll be disposed of."

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