"Who's your brother?" I asked. 

"My half-brother was in a bad path, and you helped him fix that. His name's Nico, and he's out on a mission now. But, we both appreciated your help," Hazel expressed. 

I recognized Nico's name quickly. He was a pretty good guy, but he stayed on the quieter side. I had helped him get out of a gang situation and brought him here. 

"Well, I hope that you both are good here," I said with a nod. I was about to leave, but she stopped me again. 

"Percy, you helped us so much. So, I wanted to let you know that your secret is safe with me. If you need any help with whatever you're doing, let us know," Hazel said firmly. 

I sucked in a breath and turned towards her. 

This whole time I thought that she didn't know about my facade. I greatly admired her amazing skills as a psychologist. Hazel was good and kind. 

I sighed as I went back towards her. 

It was time to explain and hope that she was on my side. 

The prospect of trusting someone at Lake Valor was terrifying, especially after what I had gone through. I was betrayed by so many people here already (Luke, Silena, Ethan, etc). 

However, Hazel already found out and was willing to help. Regardless, I had to confirm her loyalty to me and my mission. 


My nightmare really freaked me out. 

Honestly, the nightmares didn't come that often, but when they did, they were always bad. 

This one was about Kronos murdering all of the people that I loved. One after another, and I couldn't do anything but watch. 

I was grateful for Annabeth coming over, but she couldn't stay. Usually, she would spend as much time as possible making sure that I was okay. However, Annabeth didn't even stay that long, and it figuratively crushed me. 

I guess that things were just too different now. 

Gone are the days when we could hang out all day in each other's arms. 

I sighed as I shook my head. I couldn't get distracted right now. I was currently in the technology sector of Lake Valor in the research room. This was where I usually came to if I had to do research. 

For example, snooping into Lake Valor's electronic system to read progress reports on current and past missions. 

I wanted to know how much progress Lake Valor made in finding Kronos. 

I was in the far corner of the giant room that resembled a library. There were shelves of books and reports and many high-end laptops at different stations.

People usually didn't come to the back section, so I was potentially clear. 

All I knew was that BlodgeHarm and WiCKeD were now working together. And, they had a network of cooperative and forced spies inside of Lake Valor. They were planning something big, and they were making sure that Lake Valor couldn't do anything via their spies. 

My security search came back fruitless. There was no new information on Kronos. Or, the traitors here were wiping or omitting information from the system.

I had no idea how many special agents and other staff members were compromised here. But, I knew that it was enough to break Lake Valor's integrity and power. 

Lake Valor was gonna lose its ability to fight terrorism. 

It already was losing considering Kronos managed to escape (with the help of spies and traitors) from the highest level of security that Lake Valor offered. 

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