Percy simply nodded as he looked around the site. 

"All right guys, we can enter the facility," Piper said. "I feel like we could find more information if we start from the inside out." 

Percy looked at Piper as he shook his head slightly. 

He didn't agree with Piper, but he didn't say anything. I wondered what was going on in his head. Technically, Percy didn't remember any of his training, so I wasn't sure what basis his opinion was coming from. 

Regardless, he followed us into the black site building. 

We were literally inside a metal and concrete box. We followed the hallway down towards the fortified cell. We passed another group of recruits interrogating the security. Meanwhile, a different group of recruits was checking out the security technology at the site. 

Finally, we stopped in front of Kronos's cell. 

Thick glass and bars separated us from the inside of the room. The glass was not penetrating. 

The rest of the room was fairly simple. There was a bed in the corner and a bathroom to the left side. While the bathroom wasn't monitored with a camera, the rest of the facility was. 

Of course, no windows existed and a single multi-locked door led into the cell. 

Some of the others entered into the cell. I decided to hang back until the room was less crowded. It was more probably to find something that way. 

"We're not going to find anything," Percy said firmly.

I looked at him in surprise. He had a serious expression on his face. 

"How do you know?" I asked curiously. I was searching his face because he seemed to actually know what's going on, which would be surprising. 

"Huh?" he asked suddenly. 

"Why did you say that we're not going to find anything," I said. 

"I don't know," Percy said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Something was off with him today, and it was so confusing. He audibly sighed. 

"This criminal was locked up in the best prison, yet he managed to escape. I don't think that he'd leave any clues. Lake Valor's personal are too smart for that," Percy said boldly. 

"You mean Kronos is too smart for that," I said skeptically. 

Percy froze at the realization of what he said. 

"Um, that's what I meant," he covered quickly. However, we both knew what he meant. It was just so surprising that Percy was making these conclusions. 

I wondered if Percy trusted Lake Valor after coming back. 

Percy was completely loyal and trusting of Lake Valor before. He was dedicated to his job as a special agent, and he loved the institution he worked for.  

But now, I wasn't sure if he trusted Lake Valor anymore. 

Nonetheless, all of the recruits spend a few hours at Blacksite X25. But, as Percy said, the recruits didn't find anything. 

However, I did find a clue in the woods that I kept to myself. The clue further emphasized my suspicions that Lake Valor was possibly compromised. 

Maybe Percy was right about not trust Lake Valor. 

But, I hoped that he (at least) trusted me. 


I sat in my empty apartment staring at the clue I found. 

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