Building a new life

Start from the beginning

As Teddy got older, the more he became interested in colorful and rattling toys. Now he was holding the toys in his tiny hands, chewing them and waving them around. He began to understand games more and more, it seemed that his favorite game was when Tonks changed her nose, hair, or eyes for him. Teddy tried to imitate his mother, but he never really could not. The four-month-old boy's nose never became the perfect pig's snout, like his mother's, but rather a pink ball with two small holes. But he still seemed to have fun, even though he couldn't laugh yet. The only sound that came out of him was the high-toned cooing.

Remus heard footsteps on the stairs. He held his breath in fright, hoping it wasn't Dora. To his reassure, he heard his mother-in-law's sleepy voice, "Morning, Teddy-bear. Are you here alone, sweety?"

,,His father is in the kitchen, "Remus replied, not in a too-loud voice.

Andromeda entered the kitchen, and yawning, she said, "Good morning, Remus. You're making pancakes for Dora again," it wasn't a question, it was a fact.

,,Something has to be done for her. She turns twenty-six today," he said, mixing even more chocolate chunks into chocolate filled dough.

,,You have no any gift idea, do you? "Andromeda asked, boiling a tea water, Remus shook his head, after which Andromeda said in a slightly depressed voice," I have an idea. I'm sure she likes it. "

Remus turned his head slightly at Andromeda, anxiously noticed when his mother-in-law's gaze was more unhappy and even paler than usual, "What idea?"

,,Well," Andromeda looked down at the floor and then said in a soft tone, "She said she wanted to move out of here, she wants your little family to have your own home. You...," she took a deep breath and then continued, look still on the floor, " can take her home. "

,,What do you mean, Andy? By home? "Remus frowned in confusion.

,,Moody's house, "Andromeda replied, looking at Remus again," You could give her a gift to take her home. "

,,We don't know the condition of Moody's house yet. I don't think it's the safest place for Teddy right now. We should start the repair then, and it will probably take time. "

,,Then you should start right away, don't you think? And don't worry about Teddy, I can watch him until you two get your home ready. "

,,But, Andy, you're left here all alone, "

She smiled a little and replied, "Well, sooner or later it had to happen. Don't worry about me. I'm gona be fine. I'll take one, two or seven cats and I can handle it. But you need your space and I would like to avoid as many situations like the one that happened in the bathroom yesterday."

,,Are you sure? Can you do it alone here? "Remus was worried about his mother-in-law, he knew what it was like to be alone, especially when you were in deep grief.

Andromeda nodded, and after that the decision was final. It was time for Lupins to move into their own home. Remus continued to make pancakes while Andromeda went to play with Teddy. When the pancakes were ready, he covered a tray for Tonks by placing a bunch of pancakes, a fresh mug of steaming coffee, and one beautiful white rose on it. As Remus walked over to his and Dora's bedroom with a tray, Andromeda decided to give them some time alone. She put on warmer clothes for Teddy and went for a walk with him. When she got out, Teddy, who was lying in his cart, began to sigh in cheerful tones and waved his hand. It was warm summer weather outside. The birds sang, nature was in its most beautiful colors. Andromeda smiled as her daughter's son raised his hands to the sky, as if trying to get clouds flying in the sky into his hands. Without Andromeda even noticing, her thoughts wandered to her deceased husband.

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