An Eventful Weekend

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Kakyoin got up a bit late and took a cold shower. It was Saturday. His mind was full today. Had he changed since he met Jotaro? He didn't think so. He washed his face and stared at himself in the mirror. He looked paler than usual. He also felt lonely. That wasn't very unusual considering he never really had close friends but it was slightly concerning him. He was creating a close bond with Jotaro which he didn't think would be a problem at first. But Polnareff and his own emotions proved him otherwise.

Kakyoin enjoyed Jotaro's company. He was fun and really interesting to talk to, not to mention the intense sarcasm and playful flirts but he knew this was ethically wrong.

He thought back at what had happened the other day. It was a weird experience for sure. Did he regret it? Not really. Would he do it again? His answer was the thing that worried him.

He dried his face, trying to stop his head from overthinking. He changed into his black jeans and red polka dot shirt, heading to the cafeteria for breakfast. Polnareff wasn't there, probably because Kakyoin was a bit late than usual. He would rather not suffer through a tsunami of questions this early in the morning anyways.

After breakfast, he went outside to the garden with his chess set, heading towards the table they last played at. Surprisingly, Jotaro was already there, waiting for him. He was looking annoyed as always.

"Hey." Kakyoin smiled at him as he sat in front of him, placing the chess set on the table.

"Hey. Can you get these idiots to undo my handcuffs?"

Kakyoin chuckled as he motioned to the guards that it was ok.

"So how are you doing?" He started setting up the board. Jotaro was playing with the whites again since he seemed to know openings better than Kakyoin.

Jotaro shrugged, not bothering to give a proper answer. He started the game by moving the pawn in front of the queen.

Kakyoin stared at the board. "You...know different openings?"

Jotaro's playful smirk appeared. "Of course Kakyoin. How else would you play chess?"

"No like, you memorized them?"

Jotaro shrugged. "They aren't hard to memorize."

they kept playing as time passed on. Kakyoin was struggling against Jotaro. 

"Who taught you how to play chess?" Kakyoin questioned, taking a deep sigh as he resigned from his long-lost battle.

"No one, learned it myself."


Jotaro thought for a moment before answering. "Josuke used to love playing it as a child, but I was the only one he could play against."

"You learned it so that you could play with him?"

"What? No of course not. That fucker would keep beating me so I practiced." He chuckled with a devilish grin. "You should have seen his face when he was utterly defeated in 8 moves."

Kakyoin laughed. This was probably one of the first times he had seen Jotaro talking fondly of his past and Josuke. "You learned chess just so you could beat Josuke?"

"Yes." He said proudly.

"I didn't know you had such a competitive side." Kakyoin was laughing which made Jotaro grow a smile too. It was contagious.

Kakyoin calmed his laugh and looked at Jotaro's face. 

"What's wrong?"

"your smile, has anyone told you how much it suits you?"

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