First Session

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Kakyoin woke up early the other day. He grabbed his uniform out of the closet. It was a completely white shirt and pants with the asylum's logo on them. It fit him perfectly. He was excited no- utterly terrified for today. He didn't even understand what was making him so tense, Jotaro was going to be handcuffed, not to mention there were going to be guards ready to help him out in any dangerous situations, though he would need more information on Jotaro to talk to properly and help him. 

Kakyoin left his room and went to the cafeteria, he saw Polnareff and Josuke sitting at a table, he decided to join them.

"Good morning." he greeted them.

"May I sit with you?"

Josuke smiled brightly. "Good morning Kakyoin, of course."

Kakyoin placed his tray onto the table. "You should be Polnareff." He reached his hand out for a handshake. "I'm Kakyoin, nice to meet you."

Polnareff gladly took his hand. "Nice to meet you too."

After a while, Polnareff left for work so Kakyoin and Josuke were sitting alone now. Kakyoin used this chance to grab some more information on Jotaro.

"So Josuke, I was going to ask you if I could find more information on a certain patient."

Josuke looked at him curiously. "Who is it?"

"Jotaro Kujo." 

Kakyoin saw Josuke visibly tense after hearing the name. Once again, the mood suddenly changed and became cold.

"Was the information not enough?"

"No, there was nothing about his past, I don't know how I can help him without knowing any triggers or important memories."

"I see, so they have given him to you huh...ok, I'll try to get you some more information. You have a session with him today, right?"


"Ok, I'll be there with you." Josuke smiled reassuringly, almost as if he saw right through Kakyoin's fears. he then checked his clock.

"I should go, I'll see you later." Josuke got up, waved a small goodbye, and left Kakyoin.

"That weird mood shift happened again..." Kakyoin didn't know what was up with Josuke and Jotaro but he surely was incredibly curious about it. That was his biggest weakness, his unstoppable curiosity that would do literally anything to satisfy itself.

Kakyoin didn't have much to do until his session with Jotaro, so he just walked around, learning the building. The asylum felt even bigger on the inside. It was like a gigantic labyrinth of hallways. Kakyoin was having trouble memorizing what was where and had to walk around quite a bit to learn where he was going to meet Jotaro.

Kakyoin was getting more and more anxious as time passed. He was really glad that Josuke would be joining him today. In a few minutes, he would meet Josuke in front of Jotaro's room. He slowly started moving toward room 107. 

When he arrived at the door, there were two guards waiting outside. Josuke joined him after a few seconds.

"hey, you seem anxious." Josuke smiled. "It will be alright don't worry, Jotaro-san is calmer than you think."

Kakyoin nodded. "Jotaro-san...wasn't that a Japanese way of calling someone you respect? Why would Josuke be referring this man with -san?" 

Josuke opened the door and entered inside. Kakyoin took a deep breath before following Josuke.

Jotaro had been cuffed before they went in, the room was small and square-shaped, completely white with a table in the middle. Jotaro was sitting, one of his legs chained to the ground.

Insanity (Jotakak)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara