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Kakyoin woke up slightly late than usual, taking his time to get ready for breakfast. He grabbed his chess set and went to the cafeteria. He sat alone, Josuke was nowhere to be seen.

Polnareff walked towards him, he seemed to be looking for someone.

"Hey Kakyoin, have you seen Josuke?"

"No, why?"

"We always have breakfast together on Saturdays..." Polnareff was slightly concerned, glancing around the cafeteria. "Anyways, I'll leave you alone, see you later." he quickly left with a small handwave.

Kakyoin was slightly confused but ate breakfast and went to the garden nonetheless.  Josuke probably wanted to be alone for a while. The building's garden was gigantic and cut into two parts. One for the patients and the other for the workers. Both of the gardens were just as big, consisting of guards, especially on the patients' side. The gardens had places to sit with tables on the backsides, under the trees.

Kakyoin went to the patients' side of the garden, walking around, looking for Jotaro. He was sitting on one of the benches with a table with his hands cuffed and 2 guards standing next to him.

"Good morning Jotaro." Kakyoin smiled at the man, walking closer to him.

Jotaro looked at him and made a grunt, obviously annoyed because of the guards and lack of amusement.

Kakyoin sat in front of him, setting his chessboard on the table. "Excuse me, could you please take off his handcuffs?"

One of the guards looked at him with a surprised face. "Sir, last time we did that he almost killed another patient with a volleyball."

"It's alright, we are only going to play chess." Kakyoin smiled at the guards. One of them nodded and got rid of Jotaro's handcuffs.

"You trust me way too much." Jotaro stared at Kakyoin.

Kakyoin shrugged. "Would you rather try to move the pieces around with your hands glued together?"

Jotaro stood silent, looking at the pieces on the table.

"Which side do you want?"

Jotaro teasingly smiled at him. "White." 

"Ok." Kakyoin turned the board so that he was facing the white side and began setting all the pieces on the table.

Jotaro helped him by putting his own pieces down, perfectly aligning all the pieces in the middle of the squares.

"I am kinda rusty, what about you?"

Jotaro shrugged. "I sometimes imagine matches in my head." He looked back at Kakyoin with an evil grin. "But it's more fun to beat others."

Kakyoin grinned back. "Definitely."

Jotaro started with the standard opening. Pawn to e4. Kakyoin played along with an e5, placing his pawn in front of Jotaro's. Jotaro then placed his knight on f3, again, a standard opening that Kakyoin answered with a knight on c6 to protect his pawn. This is where things got interesting. Jotaro took out his bishop, placing it c4. In front of Kakyoin's knight. Kakyoin answered with a knight on f6, asking for Jotaro's pawn. Jotaro placed his knight on g5, both his bishop and knight were after the same pawn now. Jotaro was playing full-on offensive.

You have tried everything you could. Nothing is working, it will never work. He is hopeless, everything is hopeless. Stop worrying, it's too late for everything.

Kakyoin had no other move than to block Jotaro's bishop with a pawn on d5. Jotaro went ahead and took the pawn with his own which Kakyoin then took with his knight. Jotaro then attacked Kakyoin's pawn on f7, asking for both Kakyoin's queen and rook. Everything was moving so fast, Jotaro had everything planned in his mind and was not wasting any time moving his pieces while Kakyoin had to think before acting.

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