Part 1 Plot Analysis

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I am making this since there might be things I couldn't really explain to the readers while writing this book, not to mention it's quite fun to analyze things like this because there are some small details that form overtime without my consent lmao

Note that you are supposed to read the entirety of part 1 before reading this.

Kakyoin Noriaki:
At first, Kakyoin seems like a normal person who just wants to earn money and do his job right, but as the book goes on you will see that he is slightly sociopathic. Don't get me wrong, of course, he can give empathy, in fact, he knows how emotions work pretty well, he is just not sympathetic, or only is when he wants to get someone to talk about themselves. He uses people's emotions against them,  you can see it when he is talking to Jotaro, he pushes Jotaro into anger or sadness to get him to talk, not to mention he is harsh while listening to Josuke. He wants to get to the core of the entire situation, he doesn't really care about how others feel while he is doing so. He doesn't even care about his own well-being while talking to Jotaro, hiding his fear and taking risks like talking to him while he is not cuffed and such.

Josuke Higashikata:

Probably a character you guys either hate or feel pity for. He is extremely introverted, keeping a mask on top of his emotions all the time, making him relatable at the same time. He is suffering from guilt and hates himself for his feelings and past actions. He lives on with this guilt to a point where he breaks from self-pity and loneliness which is what makes him a tragic character. Now, yall probably hate me for adding Tarosuke but I just wanted to talk a bit about how love works in general. A human can fall in love with literally everything given the possibilities since it is a chemical. If you are suffering from utter loneliness, you will most likely start to lust after those you see that are the closest to you. In this case, is Jotaro for Josuke.

Now don't get me wrong, I in no way support incest, nor do I find it ok. I just wanted to write about this because most of us probably went through or are going through this stage thanks to corona (not in an incest way ofc.) Loneliness can trick someone into loving a person.

Why did he die? Well, from this point on this book will take a turn to Jotakak. This is why I had to get rid of Josuke who would be a hard component to work with since he would most likely get jealous or mad about the whole situation. The reason he was in the book was to show us more about Jotaro's past and personality, and the things Jotaro went through rather than to affect the plot, and it was also to add a relatable character to the plot. I also want to make Polnareff more active as a character and maybe add an extra character now that Josuke needs a replacement. Also, it is time for Jotaro to go apeshit and make Kakyoin's job easier.

Jotaro Kujo:

Jotaro was a really fun character to work with, I don't know how you guys imagine him, but he just looks really hot in my mind with that sick smile. Now, Jotaro deeply cares about those he loves, we all know that. He denies it as much as possible, thinking it's some sort of weakness. He thinks his weakness was the reason his family died and he refuses to accept it. That is also the reason he is trying to trick himself to think that his family is still alive.

He also deeply cares about Josuke and sees him as his own son. He hates that Josuke used him, but in the meantime, he can't hate Josuke because he loves him too much (as a son). He continuously mocks Josuke about his feelings for Jotaro, trying to make himself feel better about being used or weak, and he also refuses to show any weak sides to Josuke after that.

He enjoys Kakyoin because he knows Kakyoin isn't normal either. Kakyoin thinks similarly to Jotaro, Kakyoin doesn't care about other's feelings, instead he uses them to feed his own curiosity meanwhile Jotaro uses them for his own amusement. They are both strategists and analysis, slowly working their way into each other's personalities and problems, learning more about each other, and trying to break each other.

Now, for those that don't understand chess:

Jotaro and Kakyoin had a basic, no time-required chess match. The only reason I added the first part with the actual moves was to point out that Jotaro used the fried liver attack, which is my personal favorite opening simply cuz of how annoying it can be for the enemy and the funky name. It was added for that simple "Shows a lot about your personality" Joke. And to rub in the fact that Jotaro pretty much c o n s u m e d his family.

Stalemate: Stalemate is the best possible outcome of a match that you are bound to lose. It is a situation in chess in which a player can't make a move with any of the pieces and neither player can win.
Simplified version: Kak had no moves left to make but wasn't checked.

It was a simple way of foreshadowing Josuke's death since he trapped himself into his own mind, resulting in his suicide. He knew from the start that he would never be able to be with Jotaro, nor help him get better because of Jotaro's stubbornness. It was simply a match he knew he would lose but tried to think otherwise for a really, really long time.

Anyways, thank you all for reading this far, rest of the story will come as in part 2 in about 2-3 weeks, I have this perfect ending where Kakyoin goes:

"Jotaro, you are not you when you are hungry, here, eat this."

Jotaro eats snickers, his eyes widen as he slowly morphs back into an actual human-sized being.

They look at each other very sensually as they start kissing aggressively.

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