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Kakyoin woke up the other day, still feeling tired. He quickly got up, changing into his uniform and making his way to the cafeteria for breakfast. He started eating alone, later on, Josuke joined him.

"Hey, can I sit here?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeah, of course."

Josuke placed down his tray and started pealing his eggs.

"Sorry about yesterday, how did it go after I left?" Josuke looked apologetic.

"Eh, he seemed to be amused"

Josuke chuckled. "I see"

"You two seem to know each other well." Kakyoin looked at Josuke curiously.

"Ah, I thought you would ask about that." Josuke sheepishly held the back of his neck.

"Well, I grew up with him." He smiled at Kakyoin. "He was sort of my father figure."

"Oh...I'm sorry, this is probably personal." 

"No no, it's fine. I was really happy that you shook his hand, actually." Josuke sighed. "He is still human. Others here can't see that. They treat him like an animal."

"That must be hard for you."

Josuke made a sad smile. "I got used to it in time." 

"I heard he liked marine biology." Kakyoin decided to change the subject to lighten the mood.

"Oh yeah, he is a big nerd when it comes to that." Josuke chuckled. "You can ask him anything about marine life and he'll give you more information than you can ever find on Google."

"That seems like the best way to communicate with him for now." Kakyoin laughed.

"Haha, yeah." Josuke smiled at Kakyoin.

"Oh, I was going to ask. Are there any sensitive subjects I should avoid?"

"Plastic in the oceans."

Kakyoin laughed. "No, like seriously".

"Yeah, I am serious." Josuke wasn't laughing. "He gets pretty angry about that." Josuke looked uncomfortable, thinking back at that memory. Though it was kind of funny looking back and remembering a giant 2-meter tall man yelling and ranting aggressively about how humanity was killing the precious marine life during their therapy session.

"Oh- What else?"

Josuke thought for a moment. "He doesn't have any other than that, actually. And he will let you know if the topic is making him uncomfortable or not."

"Ok, thank you." Kakyoin appreciated Josuke's hospitality. He had helped him a lot ever since the redhead had arrived at the building.

"No problem." He smiled sweetly at Kakyoin before checking his clock and deciding it was time for him to leave.

Kakyoin left shortly after, going back into his room and analyzing Jotaro's past a bit more. He actually seemed like a person who cared about his family, well, when it existed of course. He denied killing his wife and child, apparently, they were dead a few hours before he even found them, sadly, there was no proof. This had happened when Jotaro was 29 years old and was only found when he was taken in for murder. He never went to the police about it or contacted anyone else. He acted as if he killed them.

Everything was so complicated about this man and Kakyoin was rather enjoying it. He wanted to dig in deeper and deeper, revealing every single thing about this horror story.

When it was time for Jotaro's session, Kakyoin was far less anxious than last time. Though he was still pretty uncomfortable. He went to the room he was supposed to talk to Jotaro in. There were no guards this time and the room was empty.

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