Part 2 - Loss

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"I can't believe he is gone." Polnareff and Kakyoin were standing in front of Josuke's grave. It had been a day since he had been buried. Since it was away from any nearby cities, the asylum had its own graveyard.

"Yeah..." Kakyoin sighed. 

Polnareff covered his face in his hands. "I can't believe I never realized his sadness, god I am such a bad friend." His voice sounded muffled.

Kakyoin stayed silent. He was looking at the grave, the sounds of the birds and trees were calming and created some sort of peaceful yet melancholic atmosphere.

Polnareff looked at Kakyoin. "Does Jotaro know?"

"Not yet"

"He won't take this well..." He looked back at the grave.

"We'll see." Kakyoin sounded confident, which surprised Polnareff.

"What do you mean?"

Kakyoin smiled at Polnareff. "This might be my only chance to get him to open up."

"Don't try anything risky, Kakyoin you don't know how dangerous he is." Polnareff was concerned. "Jotaro is a lost cause."

"Josuke didn't think that, did he? He believed he could help Jotaro till the end. Don't you think we are responsible for taking care of Jotaro now?"

Polnareff looked back at the grave in front of them. "I guess..." He certainly didn't want to take care of Jotaro at all, but it seemed like there was no other choice.

.-- . .-.. .--.

It was finally Monday. Kakyoin was going to Jotaro's room. There was a weird atmosphere in the building, an uncomfortable tension in the air. Josuke's death had affected everyone in a negative way. The energetic ball of sun that warmed everyone with his smiles was no longer walking in the halls of the building.

The guards stopped Kakyoin at the door.

"I need to see Jotaro." Kakyoin confidently stood in front of the door. This would either go great or take a turn for the worst.

"Without restrictions? Why?"

"I will talk to him about something important."

One of the guards paused. "Does he know about Josuke?"

"Not yet."

"We can absolutely not let you go in and tell that, he'll kill you."

"We'll see." Kakyoin motioned them to open the door. 

The other guard sighed. "Let us know if something goes bad."

Kakyoin entered, hearing the door shut after him. Jotaro was sitting on his bed, he looked up at Kakyoin.

"What do I owe for this surprise visit?" He looked bored and uninterested.

Kakyoin stood in front of Jotaro. "There is something I need to tell you."

Jotaro stared up at him, waiting for the redhead to talk.

"It's about Josuke."

"Just say it already." Jotaro was getting annoyed and impatient.

"He...killed himself."

Jotaro kept staring at him, obviously not believing the redhead.

"I'm serious, Jotaro. He was found dead in his room a few days ago."

"What?" Jotaro was looking right into Kakyoin's soul. It looked like he was trying to see if Kakyoin was actually being serious or if this was a sick joke. He suddenly got up, hovering over the redhead."

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