Chapter 7

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Honeymaren's POV;

I woke up on a bed, it wasn't familliar but i knew i was still in the castle. I looked out the window, it looked like it was still afternoon time. I groan, pushing myself physically and mentally to get up. Then i felt something.. someone was beside me. I looked over to my right and saw Elsa sleeping peacefully, "Aw.." i cooed laying down again, facing her.

I looked carefully at her face features, soft freckles, light pink cheeks, her red lips, cute nose, her perfect thin eyebrows, and some locks of her silky blonde hair covering her forehead. I smile to myself, burrying my face underneath her chin, and rested my arm around her waist. Almost like a hug. Then again, i felt my eyes droop. I almost fell asleep until Elsa woke up. I quickly pretended to sleep, she notices my hug and hugs back. I felt her soft touch against my back, she then pulled up the sheets to keep me warm. Aw.. she cares~ i thought, or so i thought i did..-

"Of course i care, what do you mean?" Elsa releases the hug, i look up and shake my head. "Nothing.. also i didn't mean to say it outloud." I mumble trying to get comfortable again, i then scooch closer. Elsa slowly places her arms around my waist, and pulls the sheets up a little more. We stay like this in comfortable silence, cuddling.

"Hey.. Elsa, have you seen Krist-" Anna spoke as she opens the door, i open my eyes and look at Anna. She was switching her eyes to me, then to Elsa repeatedly. "Um.. what did you need Anna?" Elsa says, sitting up. I sat up with her, holding her hand. "Nothin'~~ Keep doing what your doing." Anna responds and winks. Elsa then makes a normal sized snowball and threw it at Anna, but Anna dodges it because she closed the door fast enough. I look over at Elsa, she looked pretty red.. and mad. "You're cute when you're mad." I tease, Elsa stares at me getting a little redder.
"Shut up Maren.." Elsa mumbles as she lays down again, burrying her face in her pillow. "Don't hide your beautiful face, i want to stare at it more." I tease, once again. Elsa was so flustered, heavy snow started to appear above our heads. I chuckle as i lay down and hug her, rubbing my hand against her back to calm her.


"Hey Maren.. do you want to eat dinner?" I hear a soft voice whisper, a cold hand trying to shake me up. I groan, i peeked at the window.. it looked like the sun was already setting. I pressed my forearm against my eyes, preventing the light to blind me. Then the realization hit me, "Woah woah woah.." i sat up looking around the room. Then glancing at Elsa, whos hand was on my leg. "Did we sleep.. through out the day.. together.. in one bed.." i stutter, staring at the bed, imagining me and Elsa sleep-cuddling together.  I felt Elsa's nod as she stood up, "So.. did you want to eat dinner? I assume you do, you didn't eat breakfast, or lunch.." Elsa mutters, with some worry in her voice. I felt my stomach grumble, "Ah.. yeah. Dinner sounds good." I respond to Elsa's quetion, holding my stomach in pain. How does Elsa last 3-4 days without eating?

We walked down the corridors, Snowflake was guiding me and making sure i don't faint all of a sudden. She guided me by holding my waist, i rested my head on her shoulder as we walked. My stomach growling and grumbling for food, i felt so light headed. I started to feel weak too, my walk speed started to go a little slow than usual. Elsa looked at me with a concerned face, she then carried me.. "Wait.. Snowflake what are you doing.." i mumble, as my stomach growls. "You feel light headed, don't you?" Elsa asks as she walks a little more faster to the dining room. "Y-Yeah.. kinda." I respond in a mutter, i didn't have the energy to fight Elsa back for carrying me.

We then finally arrived to the table, the sudden smell of delicious food filled me. It caused my stomach to growl again, Elsa settled me down at a seat next to her. The nice lady who lead me to Elsa this morning served me some food, "Thank you." I smile, weakly. Elsa watched me eat, normally that would make me feel uncomfortable, but right now im focusing on not dying of hunger.

After that awesome food i just ate, Elsa got up and started walking to the family room thing. But just now, i realized Elsa didn't eat dinner. Or.. breakfast.. or lunch. I held her wrist to stop her, she turns to me raising an eyebrow. "You didn't eat." I say firmly, tightening the grip a little. Elsa shrugs and pulls a disgusted face. "I don't like to eat.." Elsa shivers, but not from the cold. I know because it felt pretty warm at the moment. I frown, "Elsa please? Just a small snack even, aslong as you eat." I state, dragging her behind me to get the plate with small portions of the food.  I handed it to Elsa, who looked kinda anxious. She let out a sigh and.. to my surprise.. ate it. Quickly, only took her 3 minutes.

We both headed to the family room where Elsa was going to, but then i stopped her. We were interlocking our fingers together, though i actually didn't notice.. or care. As we enter the room, i saw Olaf rearranging. "Uh.. OH! A clock!" Kristoff yells before anyone could.  Olaf stays in the position, "Uh.. uh.. maybe.. som' sort of ball?" Anna points to Olaf, unsure. Me and Elsa sat down at an empty couch beside the 5, Ryder, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven. Anna's gaze from Olaf redirected to us both, she saw our hands together and smirks. She turn her attention back to the cheery snowman. I looked up at Elsa, blushing slightly. I heard the bell that Sven rang, which i assume meant 'Times Up.' and i turned my attention back to them.
"I was a plant!" Olaf yells, with his cheery smile that meant 'I'm too good at charades for you guys to guess what i was!'. I heard an 'Ohhh' from Ryder, Kristoff, and Anna. I felt Elsa's shrug, i look up at her once again, she was smiling beautifully.

"Okay, Elsa and Honeymaren just came. So uh, do one of you guys want to go?" Kristoff asks, turning his attention to us both. We both just kinda shrugged, "C'mon Maren, i lowkey want to see you try this game." Ryder joins Kristoff to persuade us both. I rolled my eyes playfully and decided to go. Sven lends me a basket filled with folded papers, i picked one and opened it. 'Necktie' i haven't actually seen one, but i've seen people act it out once. Back at camp, we used to imitate all those rich-ass people and mature people. Sven flipped the timer over,

I tried to mimic a person fixing up a tie. This should be easy,
"Ah that's easy!-"  Kristoff says, "Is it a necktie?" Elsa interupts Kristoff. I smile at Elsa and i gave her a slight nod. I looked over at Kristoff mouthing 'Oh'. I laugh as i walk back to Elsa and sat with her, resting my head on her shoulder.

"This game is pretty easy, huh?" I whisper to Elsa, slowly interlocking fingers with her again.

"I guess you could say that, Maren.." Elsa whispers back, resting her head on mine and placing her other hand on mine.

Elsa x Honeymaren [] ElsaMaren [] LGBTQ+Where stories live. Discover now