Chapter 20

931 19 44

Elsa's POV;
I immediatly made a sharp ice sword and backed Maren up, i stood on guard and glanced around to see if anyone was there to back up Hans. "Is it just you?" I ask as i look back to him, he looked surprised for some reason. He hesitates looking at my sword, i gripped on it harder, waiting for a response impatiently. He snaps back to reality, i can tell because he slightly twitched his eye. Then he shook his head, "No, but it's just me fighting one on one with you little girls." He says with a smirk, leaning on his sword. I made a shield and sword for Honeymaren and stepped back to her, "Hey, you go run to Yelena and tell her that they're here." I whispered to Maren, "N-No! I'm not leaving you behi-!"
"Maren! I'm sorry but i dont care right now! This is for your safety and everyone elses, go please!" I yell as i step up quickly and attempted to attack Hans, he blocks my blade with his. I hear Maren run away to the cave direction, i waited for her signal, which means she's clear. I freeze his arm and kicked his weapon away, and i leaned my ice sword against his neck, he raises his hands up as a surrender.

"Say, why don't you go freeze my brain and heart. Since you're so good at it." He says rolling his eyes, making fun of me.

'Anna no too high! Slow down!'

'Mama, papa!'

'Gloves will help'

'Conceal, dont feel.'

'Don't let it show..'

"AGH!! Why don't you go break another woman's heart?! Since your so good at it!" I yell, holding my sword closer. He smirks and we lock eyes, i was so furious. "Gladly." He responded with a smile.
I attempted to attack him with my fist, cutting him seems too much for some reason. He dodges to his left and grabs my wrist, pushes me with his other hand. I drop my sword during the process, i tried to push myself up and reached out for my sword but he kicks it away.

"Ugh, you know.. without your idiot sister getting in the way of killing you.. this wouldn't be happening." He mocks as he step down on my back, putting light weight on it.. seems like a stupid move.

I forced myself to turn my head to see what he was doing, he reaches out in his back pocket. I saw something twinkle the second he pulled it out, but i couldn't see what it was. I didn't hesitate and I turned my body quickly, catching him off guard. He stumbles and i kick him down to the tree, pushing myself and getting up quickly to unarm his weapon.

"Ugh.. you little shit.." he mumbles, i charge at him, creating another blade as he slowly got up. What i didn't expect was he..

Stabbed me.

He deepens the stab with a dagger, "Yeah, doesn't feel good does it?" He chuckles, i look down as i dropped my slightly melting sword. Gore, my vision getting blurry. "Yeah, i was actually surprised that you made that ice sword, and some shield." he began speaking, kicking me down stiffly. I tried to pull the dagger off, but he kicks my hand away. I couldn't feel my limbs, couldn't raise a finger on my other hand. He drops down and pushes the dagger in my stomach. I couldn't help but yell out in pain.

"See, that time when you got one of my soldiers? That dagger was supposed to have this special elixir. A tainted dagger, guess it wasn't poisioned enough." He explain, i look up to see a bottle of elixir, like my vision in Ahtohallan. My eyes widen as the elixir's liquid flashes black, white, red, and yellow.
"This process was supposed to erase your powers forever. Doubt you can do it now, but if you can.. i won't hesitate to overdose you with this." He explains more, as my vision gets darker and blurrier. I raise my almost numb hand at him, attempting to shoot icicles. Nothing shot out.. my hand had dropped down of exhaustion.
"W-Why.. 're you.. doing this..?" I slur, he laughs at my talk while getting up. "Ah, that's a sign that this is working. I'm going to leave now, it'd be a shame to slowly burn from the fires of the tree." He chuckles, waving bye, smiling.

Elsa x Honeymaren [] ElsaMaren [] LGBTQ+जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें