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Nova's POV:

It's the first morning since I agreed to stay at Holden's house. Allegra came back yesterday afternoon to get me my clothes, toothbrush, and anything else I would need. I woke up, for the first time in a long while, feeling refreshed. I got out of bed and got ready for the day. I was going to head down to the kitchen to make breakfast when Holden came out of his room, the same time I was heading downstairs. 

"And where do you think your going?" Holden asked in a playful manner.

"To make breakfast," I say as if I didn't know what the doctor recommended for me the day before.

"You know what the doctor said," He replies as he takes my hand and leads me back to the room I was staying in. I couldn't help but get butterflies when we touched though. His hand was soft as I felt it slide between my fingers, she knew if he looked back at her face , he would see how soft her face went. 

"Okay, c'mon I got a full 8 hours of sleep last night, exactly like a normal person. You can't just expect me to just lie in bed all day. I'm not even sick," I say as he seats me on the bed. 

"Yeah but you're also meant to have proper meals and not overwork yourself again," Holden counters.

"Okay how about I just sit at the counter in the kitchen while I instruct you how to make breakfast? That way I'm not working and I still get rest," I say as I try to persuade him.

"Finee," he says as he gives in. 

I squeal as I head downstairs. I can hear him chuckle and we head down to the kitchen. 

Holden's POV:

"You're doing it wrong!" Nova says to me.

"How?" I groaned. We've been at it for twenty minutes as Noah just sits there enjoying the show. "I did it exactly how you said we should do it!" I say. We decided to make pancakes and while I tried to get the pans ready, I see Nova trying to take the bowl of batter away from me.

"Hey!" I say as Noah begins laughing. 

"It's not my fault! You won't do it right!" Nova says to me, "Here look, this is how you do it," she says as she motions me to look at how she's whisking the batter. 

"That's exactly how I did it!" I say to her.

"No, you obviously did something wrong if Nova had to correct you that many times," Noah remarks as he begins laughing again.

I roll my eyes as she hands me back the batter to put on the pan. 

"That's too much!" She exclaimed after I put it onto the pan.

"OH MY GOD, WOMAN!" I exclaim.


After we finally finished making breakfast and ate, before Nova leaves to kitchen, she comes up to me and whispers, "You were doing it right. I just wanted to annoy you." With that she gives me a smirk, and leaves.

Nova's POV:

After breakfast, I decided to head upstairs to the library. It was nice and quiet, as I selected a book to read and sat down.

"Sentence him to death," I say.

"I miss the woman you once were," one of ladies of the court told me.

"Many will," I remarked, "She was easier to kill."

"Good book?" Atticus said to me.

I jumped and said, "Yeah, it's one of my favorites."

He chuckles, "Mine too. I was looking for you, since you weren't in your room, I figured you'd be here."

"Why were you looking for me?" I asked curiously.

"Well I had to pay your mom's salary, severance, and this week's work you did," he said.

He handed me all of mom's payments and when he handed me mine, I looked a bit confused, "Atticus, I think you added a couple zeros extra."

"It's not a mistake, darling," he says.

I look at him in surprise, "Atticus, this is too much. I can't accept this."

"You deserve it Nova. You're one of the best people I've ever met and you deserve every penny and more," he says.

I look at him teary eyed and hug him. 

"Thank you," I said softly.

"It's my pleasure Nova," he said.

When Atticus left, I did the math and with everything Atticus gave me and with a bit of Alli's help, we'll finally be stable. Mom and I are finally gonna be stable for once. A few tears couldn't help but drop when I made that realization. Stable. That's all I ever wanted for us. No more overworking, no more having to pick up shifts at the bookstore, no more extra shifts at the bakery. I didn't even have to work at the bakery anymore, with the salary Atticus was offering once I paid off Mom's hospital bills.

I run into Atticus's room and give him another hug. 

"Thank you so much Atticus," I cry to him.

"It wasn't all me. It was also Holden's idea," he said to me.

"Thank you again," I say to him before I head to Holden's room.

"Hey Nova, what's-," Holden was saying when I entered his room. I cut him off and give him a hug. He hugs me back as I say, "Thank you," softly.

"What for?" He asks.

"Everything. Your family had done so much for Mom and I," I say.

"It was our pleasure," he says, "You deserve the world Nova."

I hug him tighter after he says that and we stay like that for a little.


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Feel free to vote and comment! Till next time ♥️♥️

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