☺︎︎ Chapter Twenty

Start from the beginning

Bongsik glances at Jaemin and meowed at him, the mysterious boy sighing in response to her meow (obvious language barrier) and turns back to the movie.

Raising a brow when that backpack kid just stumbled into a hotel for monsters, Jeno mumbling some incoherent words beside him.


Halfway through the movie, Jeno was half awake, his head bouncing on Jaemin's shoulder, deciding if he could rest there or not. The latter eyeing him before standing up abruptly.

"Ow! Jaemin hyung, that hurt." Jeno drawls out whine, his stupor disturbed with such pain on his jaw and cheeks.

The elder pursed his lips, "I need to get going." He said, watching the brunet rub his cheeks, small pout aimed towards him as he stood up.

Bongsik squirms in Jeno's arms, her tail curled up around his forearm. "You're not going to have dinner first atleast?" He asked, head tilting to the side.

Shaking his head briefly, Jeno added, "maybe next time? Please, Jaemin hyung?" He pleaded while Bongsik was snoring away in his hold.

Clicking his tongue, Jaemin nodded stiffly. "Fine."

"Yes!" Jeno squeals and bouncing a bit on his feet before stopping when he realized he's disturbing his sweet child's slumber.

Can't really hug the elder with Bongsik occupying the use of his arms, Jeno instead inches closer and stuffs his face against Jaemin's broad chest.

"I have to go now." Jaemin struggled to say as he pushes Jeno's head away as gently as he could. The boy just had his cheek and jaw in pain, alright?

Pouting, Jeno sighs. "Okay," lifting one of his hands up to his lips and kisses his two fingers before placing it against Jaemin's cheek. "Bye bye."

Scrunching his face weirdly by the action, Jaemin just hummed before heading off on his way out of Jeno's apartment while the latter began to make dinner for himself. Alone.

"My dear soulmate, I like having you around!"


"Dude, where were you?" Yangyang raised a brow as he finally sees the long awaited boy approaching him.

Jaemin rolled his eyes and shrugged, "downstairs." He grumbled, accepting the duffle bag that was handed to him.

He opens it and checks the items it contains, humming in satisfaction before zipping it closed again.

"What are you talking about?" Yangyang tilts his head, finishing his bottle of water and throws it to his side, hitting the other person with them.

"Watch it, dude!" Hendery scolds, rubbing his bicep where the plastic bottle had hit him.

"This is Jeno's apartment building, you morons." Jaemin tsked, leaning his back against the wall behind him.

Yangyang widened his eyes, "Lucas didn't mention that one," he mumbled.

"Yes, because his pea brain is already focusing on his basketball game and his studies are not balanced with it. Mind you, he sometimes has a memory span of your grandma's."

"Hey! Granny found her glasses in less than nine minutes, that's a new record!" Yangyang defends on behalf of his grandma.

"But Lucas only said we'll meet here at the rooftop of Jeno's apartment building because it's closest to wherever you were, he wasn't wrong." He then added.

"Wait hold on, I lost track." Hendery interrupts them, "who's Jeno, again?" He asked, eyeing Jaemin who rubbed his temples.

Yangyang groans and flicks his forehead, ignoring the yelp from him. "He's Jaemin's soulmate, dumbass! Keep up."

"He's not my soulmate."

"Then, who is he?" Yangyang sassed sarcastically.

"He's this kid who's weirdly obsessed with me and keeps on smiling, has a brain of a five year old thinking everything is all rainbows and sunshines, is close friends with Mark, Lucas' basketball team captain, and his friends are absolute idiots."

"Seems like you're already having a liking towards him if your explanation is that long." Yangyang teased with a smirk on his face.

Scoffing, Jaemin replied, "Even if he was my soulmate, I wouldn't give a fuck and just ignore him."

"Yet you're caring for him and giving him your attention," Hendery shrugged, earning a glare from Jaemin.

Yangyang nodded as he points at Jaemin's chest. "That also shows otherwise." He continued to smirk, the mysterious boy grunting at him.

"Pup, you really shouldn't be around me."

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