All weapons in You Zhengping's spaces would be reduced to a tenth of their power. The radius of the explosion was reduced from fifty meters to five. With You Zhengping's abilities, he could definitely withstand an assault like this. But he did have to suffer some internal injury.

During the explosion, the vibration frequency of the second space was diiierent from the air around it. You could clearly see a clear space the size of a coffin shaking violently, and You Zhengping, on the surface of the water, was using his own energy to compress the might of the explosion inside the space. It amounted to him bearing the entire five-meter radius explosion by himself.

The shaking continued for a minute before ending. You Zhengping coughed up a mouthful of blood. He couldn't maintain the third space and fell into the water. Cen Xiao held the little boy with one arm and with the other hoisted You Zhengping over his shoulder, swimming at full force towards the surface of the water. The boat had overturned and couldn't be used again. It all depended on Cen Xiao now.

"Huh?" Destroyer 192 was once again astonished. "I was starting to take you seriously, but do you know what? In my game space, everything is a weapon."

As he spoke, one of the goldfish kept in the lake swam up alongside Cen Xiao and touched Cen Xiao's waist with its mouth. The goldfish blew up like a balloon. Cen Xiao was very sensitive towards fire power. He felt something was wrong when the goldfish approached and quickly wrapped it up in a fireball. 

But they were in the water, and Cen Xiao's power was extremely inhibited by the water. His reaction was fast enough, but the weakened flames couldn't entirely block the force of the goldfish, which was like a small-scale bomb. A fist-sized chuck of flesh was blown up out of the left side of his waist. Fresh blood spilled out, attracting more goldfish. Enduring the sharp pain, Cen Xiao looked and saw that they were already surrounded by hundreds of goldfish.

"Wake up." Cen Xiao raised the little boy to his shoulder so the child wouldn't choke and freed up a hand to pat You Zhengping's face. "Hold on a bit, work with me."

The apparently unconscious You Zhengping slowly opened his eyes and got a petrol bomb out of his first space. You Zhengping didn't look at his surroundings. He threw the petrol bomb right up into the air and detonated it. When the petrol bomb exploded, it would send a layer of flame shooting in all directions. Cen Xiao could precisely control these flames. Enduring the pain at his waist, he concentrated his mental energy and separated the flames into hundreds of parts, accurately attacking the goldfish in the water around him.

In order to attack a target in the water, a petrol bomb could include a reactive metal within the napalm. After combining with the water, it would expel hydrogen gas to intensify the combustion and wouldn't be obstructed by water. With this assistance, Cen Xiao, as though he had received divine aid, at once locked on the hundreds of goldfish bombs, firmly controlling the flames and splashes around them.

Countless little splashes exploded at once. The little boy Junjun closely observed the criminal police captain's orders, not moving and not opening his eyes. Though he was afraid, he forced himself to bear it. And because of his cooperation, Cen Xiao and You Zhengping were able to put their powers to good use.

Destroyer 192 said, "Huh? That truly exceeds my expectations. You have some skills. No wonder you were bold enough to refuse my request. But..."

"No more 'but's," Director Xiao said coldly. "Your so-called game space is the manmade lake, right? Though I don't know what means you're using, only the items and living things in the lake will become bombs."

Director Xiao raised his hand slightly, and the center of the lake opened. A stream of water wrapped around You Zhengping, Cen Xiao, and the little boy, taking the three of them from the parted water to the shore.

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