Sleeping Lloyd

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Sorry I haven't posted recently but here's the next chapter. Again sorry I've been having life problems. But no excuse there would be another once soon. Enjoy.

Morro's POV

I woke up on something soft. 'I swear I fell asleep on the floor so I could keep an eye on greenie'.
I look round the room to see no sign of Lloyd or of him being there at all this morning. I got out of the bed and left to look for Lloyd.

While I was looking for Lloyd I bumped into Garmadon and Wu. "Morro what's seems to have you troubled" Wu asked me.
"I can't find Lloyd" I said a bit panicked.
"Wait you can find my son" 'wow the are both speaking again'.
Then Kai came around the corner.
"Wait you can't find Lloyd!?"
"That's what I just said" I say pushing past them.
"I'll help" they all say in unison.

'Where could you be Lloyd?!' I started floating round. Then I thought 'the roof!... Of course he'll be up there' I mental slapped my self for being so stupid. I Quickly made my way up to the roof. I look around an I spotted blond hair. 'There he is' I started to calm down knowing one he's ok and two he has not left.

I make my way over to him a see that he is still asleep. I pick him up gently and made my way back inside. Once in side I quickly made my way to the room he's been staying in. Opening the door I made my way over to the bed and placed him on it.

I left him to sleep and looked around for the Lloyd fan ground that consist of Wu, Garmadon and Kai. Wanting to let them know that he's ok and that I found him.

I found them in the kitchen. Once they noticed me Garmadon asks "did you find him?" He sounded so worried. "Yes he was asleep on the roof" I inform. "Why was he on the roof?" Kai asked. "I don't know" I say. "Where is he?" Wu joined in. "He's in bed sleeping" I then look around to see where the other ninjas are.

"Where are the other ninjas?" I asked. "Oh I don't know they all left just before you came" said Kai. "Well I'm going back to Lloyd" I say turning around and started to make my way to the room he was in. Once I got there I heard foot steps behind me. 'Of course they would follow' I think knowing that the Trio was behind me.

I stop at the door when I hear voice in there. Standing still I put my ear to the door to listen to what was being said. "Look he's sleeping like he owns the place" well that was definitely Cole. "We should wake him up we have training soon" that sounded like Jay. The trio stoped and also put there ears to the door. "Yeah he'll need to train he's probably been lazy" Cole said. 'I don't like where this is going' "Cole I suggest we let him sleep" always the voice of reason Zane. "No" Cole repelled simply. "Wake up freak!" Cole has taken it too far.

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