The first appearance

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That what his suit looks like a little bit just imagine the hood and cap thing.

Kai's prov
I can't believe he's gone and I never got to tell him. It's all my fault if it just didn't let him go......he wouldn't listen anyway he's cares to much...he...was are leader he wouldn't stay no matter what I said no matter what I did. Is.....I...can't believe he's gone.

I got out of my bed and walked over to where Lloyd's bed was and sat on it I looked to the side and seen a picture of all of us I picked it up and I started to cry. Why did they take him away......why him. I look around and noticed no on else's was in the room. Then I heard some most likely Zane shout "breakfast!" So I got off Lloyd's bed put the picture down where it was and walked down the stairs and sat down. And began eating silently while they where all talking. "Kai are you ok?"Nya asked then everyone looked at me.
"Um......yeah I'm...fine" I didn't sound really convincing.
"Kai we all miss him but we can't be sad all the time we still need to protect ninjago the criminals are going to think this is the best time to strike as we no longer have the green ninja.....and you all don't have a leader" Wu jumped in.
I got angry and said "he's was not just are leader or the green ninja he was family!" And before they could say anything I Stud up and went to mine and Lloyd's room I went in and closed the door and went to Lloyd's bed and sat on it and started to cry and before I knew it I was lying in he's bed cry and then fell asleep.

I woke up to some one shaking me "Kai....Kai come on get up where going to the monorail" I looked up and seen it was my sister Nya. "Ok" I answer siting up as she sat down next to me. She asked "are you ok....I know how much he meant to you".
"I...don't know" I then realised that I was in Lloyd's bed.
"Is he really gone?" I was just voicing my thoughts.
"Yes Kai he is.....I don't know what where going to do with out him"
I didn't know what to say I just felt like breaking down again.
"Come Kai we don't want to be late" then with that we made are way to where the monorail was going to be.

We all made are way in and sat down no one spoke a word there where news people everywhere and cameras.
Then the silence was broken by the news people started to talk saying where they when and when it will started.

Someone walked up on the platform that was put there for this event and they started talking "we are all here today either sitting here because you where close or watching because this person meant so much to so many people......he was there to protect those who could not protect them self' we are saying good bye to a friend, a son, a brother, a nephew and most of all the hero of we are saying good bye to the Green Ninja....he in-packed all of our life's whether it was to help or save us or to stop us from hurting people......some one who was close to him would like to give a few words to the fallen green ninja".
That was my Q I got up and walked up to the platform.
"Lloyd was always there no matter what if you needed someone to talk to or someone to save you from something you thought was impossible to stop". I stoped of a moment and took a breath. "He could be stubborn sometime it was good but other time is wasn't for example to stubborn to make sure he is save even though he is really hurt....Lloyd was a great friend a great brother but was the best ninja.....a hero to all he was the...STRONGEST NINJA....he may have fallen but he will not have died in vain". And then I pulled down the fabric that was covering a statue of Lloyd made out of a green coloured metal with the words ingrained 'Here lies the Green Ninja Ninjagos hero'. "He may be gone but he'll always look over us and keep us safe". Then I went back to my seat.

Once I was back in my seat I saw something on an building watching what was happening. Then all of a sudden they where gone but the camera man managed to get him on the camera before he dispersed. Who was that? Once the camera's where off I walked over to him "excuse me can I see that clip of the man on the roof?"
"Yes sure" and then they let me re-watch it. The man wore all black with the tiniest bit of green forest green Lloyd favourite colour an two katanas on his back. Could it be he was too injured.
"Thank you" and with that I coughed up with the others and we made are way back to the monastery. Who was that.


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