Gone again

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Lloyd's prov

I walked up stars with Morro and Amazu following me. I went to the room I've been staying in and closed the door. As soon as the door was closed I shouted and started punched the wall over and over again. Morro stopped me "Lloyd you fists there bleeding stop" I went to punched again but the grabbed my fist so I could punched. I looked and Indeed my fists where bleeding and where bruising all really. "Sorry" I mumbled. "It's ok Lloyd I'll go get some bandages and a wet cloth and we'll sort them out". Then he left I slid down the the wall and Amazu came up to me trying to comfort me. Amazu curled up to me. I started to pat him.

Morro came back in no time with bandages and a wet cloth. "Sorry I know what we hurts you" I say will looking at Amazu still patting him.
"It's ok now pass me your fists" I gave him my fist and he cleaned them and raped them up. "There that should do".

By this time it was dinner. Kai came to my door. "Lloyd dinner is done Zane cooked you coming?" He sounded a little concerned.
"I'm not hungry Kai" I replied.
"Lloyd are you sure your ok you haven't eaten anything today"
"Yeah I'm fine I promise"
"Ummm ok then.....bye" then he walked away.

"Lloyd you really should eat" Morro joined in sounding worried.
"I'm not hungry Morro"
"Are you not hungry or do just not want to go down stairs after this morning" he asked. I didn't reply.
He sighs and says "I'll be back in a minute". Then he diapers again.

Morro's prov

Im worried about Lloyd he's not eating. Those ninja especially Cole are not helping. I went to the Lipton get Lloyd's food. I now they don't like me or trust me but I need to get food for Lloyd and try to get him to eat. As soon as I entered the kitchen everyone looked at me. "Umm hi" I say not knowing what to say.
"What are you doing here?" Cole asked I just glared at him.
"I'm getting food for Lloyd" I say looking around.
"Hey snow man where Lloyd's food" I ask Zane. He looked at me and then answered "it's in the microwave".
"Ok thanks" I float over to the microwave and got Lloyd's food and then got him a cup of water. "Why do you need Lloyd's food" asked Zane when I walked past. "To try get him to eat why else?"
"Umm is he ok?" Kai asked.
"He's fine ok well bye" then I left to go to Lloyd.

I was close to Lloyd's room when I heard talking. "Son are you ok please talk to me?" Oh it was Garmadon. No answer came I hear Garmadon sigh. I looked round the corner to see Garmadon sliding down Lloyd's door. "Lloyd please talk to me you don't have to let me in?" Again no answer came. 'That's not like Lloyd he usual answer even if it's to say go away or leave me alone' "son.....Lloyd please?" I seen a single tear role down Garmadon's face. 'Now that's a sight you don't see every day'. Again no answer came. 'Ok now that's not right at all'.  I float over to Garmadon and say "somethings wrong he always answers weather it's to say go away or something like that". He looks up at me face full of worries. "I can phase through the wall and see what wrong and then I'll open the door for you....here hold this" I handed him the plate of food and phased through the wall. When I was on the over side I opened the door for Garmadon. When he came in we looked around. Suddenly I heard something drop and smash. I look over at Garmadon to see the dropped the plate. 'Well great he needed that food'.

I floated over to him and looked over his shoulder to see what he was looking at. I was a letter, From Lloyd. Garmadon read it as tears fell from his face. He passed me the letter silently the only sound being his quite cry's. I look at the letter and read it. It read.

Dear who ever is reading his,
I have left. I've left and probably will not return. I'm sorry for disturbing the life you where all living without me. I'm sorry I came back. I promise I did not come back intentionally. I thought I might not come back after that fall but lucky me I did. And if I did survive I thought Morro would have been the one who found me.

After all I'm just a shadow hero. I'm sorry if me coming back messed with you I'm sorry if you thought I was imposing. But hey I'm gone now. I'm out in the world some where. Gone like the wind. I my not be the elemental master of wind but I know who it works. All ways moving, always free and never found or predicted.

I'm now like the wind always moving, alway free and never found. You won't find me. Won't be shadow anymore. That was another me one who thought it would be best for me and ninjago if the green ninja was gone. A stupid me.

Well have fun. And Morro look after Amazu for me. Ninja my last lessons to you even if you don't seen me as your leader or sensei anyone. Every life means something even those who do wrong always save everyone no matter who or what they are. And remember the life of one is never worth the life's of many.

From Lloyd.

He was always smart. That was one life lesson that I think we all needed to learn from you Lloyd. But why did you leave......I would have kicked Cole's and any other ninja ass if you let me.

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