The dragon

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It's been one month since The ninja found that Lloyd was alive and was the shadow hero Shadow. Lloyd's dad was happy his son was alive more then most but was is it more than Kai. Lloyd flat lined more times than the ninja wanted to count.

The last time Lloyd flat lined there was a blinding green light. That light was over his heart. These caused panic with the ninja. But that light was a dragon coloured both green and gold. No one knew what it meant. Did Lloyd?

Kai never really left Lloyd's side. Kai would fall asleep in the chair next to where he lay and would only leave for food and things like that. Garmadon was in with Lloyd ever day. Sometimes the other ninja would come by to see how he was doing.

Lloyd prov

Darkness that's all I could see. I'm very familiar with it. Darkness has become my new best friend along with pain. Since I was 'dead' my life has been hell.

I tried opening my eyes but failed. So I tried again. I might not have been part of the ninja but I still never quite, that's probably why I've lived this long. I finally opened my eyes to see that I was in a white room. 'Shit' that means people know I'm alive. I look around to see Kia asleep in a chair next to me.

I try to sit up but pain shots throw my body. Which doesn't bother me as pain in an old friend. I sit up and swing my legs other the side of the bed. 'How long was I out' I wounded. I stood up using the bedside cabinet to steady me as I got my balance. I looked at Kai again. He has no blanket on and I was cold. So I got the blanket that was on me and put it on him.

I walked over to the door but as I was doing so I noticed a little gold and green dragon near the door. 'Strange' I thought 'where did it come from?' As I went to open the door it woke so fast I thought I might have whiplash along with it. It Yawned and looked at me. Then all off a sudden it jumped up as if it was happy to see me and walked to my side as I open the door.

I exited the room and started to walk around not knowing exactly where I was going or what I was doing. Then I heard my stomach rumble. So I made my way to where if I remember correctly the kitchen was with the dragon still my my side. I walk over to the fridge and grab something I can use to make a sandwich. I made my sandwich grabbing my self a glass of water and moving to the island in the middle. I sat down and started to eat the dragon laid on my feet.

While I was finishing up my food people start to come in. "L-Lloyd?!" Jay shouted.
"When did you wake up?" Asked Cole.
"What are you doing up you should be resting?!" Nya joined in.
I answered there questions " I wake up about 5-10 minutes ago and I'm fine I don't need to rest"
"Brother you where in a really bad condition we didn't know if you'd would make where out for round about a month". Zane said. Well that answered that question.
"I'm fine see.....know how are all you doing doing well?" I asked.
"You died more times that we cared to count and your asking use if where fine?!" Jay shouted.
"I would appreciate it if we where all quite Kai is sleeping" I said trying to avoid what he just said.
"Wait Kai is sleeping?" Nya asked sounding relieved.
"Yes he was asleep when I woke up" I answered.
"What's all this commotion?" Wu come in with my dad following close behind. The both looked at me.
"Lloyd?!" They said in unison.
"Hi dad, hi uncle" I started. "Do any of you know where this dragon come from?" I said gesturing to the dragon on my feet. "Because it's been following me around".
"well when you flat lined. The area by your heart started to glow green and once you where stable the light disappeared and in it places was that dragon" Zane answered.
"We tried to move him but he would go back to you and say with you so we left him....we think he is yours" Wu answered.

My dad make his way over to me and hugged me. I was tense I haven't been touched unless being punched or kicked so I was not use to hugs. "Lloyd I'm so sorry....I'm glad your ok". He said as he hugged me tighter. I was still very tense. "It's ok dad I'm ok" I said trying to reason with him so he would let go. He soon let go.
"Umm what time is it" I asked not knowing what time it is.
"It's 10:30 at night" Zane answer.
"Well that's great.....well looks like we all should head to bed should we put Kai in his bed so he's more comfortable?" I said unsure where I stand with any of them.
They all nodded and made there way back up stairs. I stood up the dragon getting of my feet. 'I need to come up with a name for you' I thought as I put my dish's in the sink and washed them and then made my way to the medical room.

Once I got there I seen Kai still asleep. I walk over to him and pick him up bride style with the blanket over him and made my way throw the hall looking for Kai's room. Once I found it I opened the door with my feet trying not to wake Kai and walked over to his bed and put Kai gentility in his bed and put his blanket over him and the one from the medical room over him. I turned around to leave to see the dragon still following me.

I went back to the medical room and got in bed and the dragon jumped up and cuddled close and I soon feel asleep.


Words 1058

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