Bad moring

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No one knows what happened to Lloyd in that year he's was gone. What made him change? What made him so nonchalant? The only one who knows this is Lloyd and ........?

Lloyd's prov

"Wake up Lloyd" said a voice. I woke up and looked around.
To see Morro floating next to the bed I was in.
"Oh hi Morro, morning" I said as I sat up and went to move and realised some extra wight on my legs I look down to see the dragon.
"I thought you went going to make it Lloyd......I don't think you know how bad you where". Morro says looking at me.
"Look Morro I'm fine" I say he looks at me and sighs. "Just be careful we don't want anything else to happen to you you've been through so much".
"Yeah yeah I know". I got up.
"Hey Morro do you think you can help me find some clothes to wear".
"I all ready have clothes for you I went to the abandoned building and got you some of the clothes you have there". He answered handing me some clothes. "Thanks I'll be back in a minute".

I walked to the bathroom and changed. I came out of the bathroom wearing black ripped jeans with a dark green t-shirt with a black hoodie. I looked at the floor and seen the dragon there. I made my way back to the room I was in to see Morro looking like he has thinking.
"Thanks Morro" I say pulling him from his thought.
"No problem by the way what you going to call that dragon of your" he asked looking at the gold and green dragon at my feet.
"I was thinking of calling him Amazu" I answered his question while walking over and sitting on the bed.
"That's a cool name" he said. "Someone's coming" he said while dispersing. 'Well great this should be fun'.

I stood up about to make my why to the door. But it was booted open by Kai. "Lloyd your ok!" well he sounds happy. He took a few more steps in and then shouts "what are you doing out of bed!"
"Kai I'm fine" I say
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm fine"
"Ok well I'm going to breakfast want to come?" He asked.
"No I'm not hungry thanks tho"
"Well I see you met your dragon have you named him yet?"
"Yeah I named him Amazu"
"Cool well see you then" then he left.

I walked out of the room looking for the practice room. I needed to punch something. I found the practice room and went in. I walked over to the punching bag and started punching will words where going through my head. 'Weak, stupid, FREAK, MONSTER' I don't quite understand why these words hurt me but they did. They'd words are what I've been called over the year and I think I'm starting to believe them.

I kept punching until I felt a hand on my shoulder. My reflects, muscle memory and many instinct kicked in and I  grabbed the arm and flipped the person it belonged to over my shoulder. It was Jay. "Sorry Jay" I say offering him a hand he takes it and says "wow Lloyd that's was cool but it hurt a lot".
I apologise again "I'm sorry". 

Then all of a sudden I was shoved into the wall. 'What the hell!?' I looked at who did it was 'COLE!'
"You just come back with no explanation of where you're been what happened. You acted different. You can't just come back like nothing ever happened and re-join the team and become the leader again!" He yelled. I was confused. I look behind him and see everyone including my dad and uncle just stood there shocked.
"Well first of all what happened to me is my business and do I act different? And second what I did not come here to and acted like everything if fine and nothing ever happened ok. I did not come back to re-join the team and I did not come back to lead you all please let me go" I say in a calm modern tone voice. "No!" Well I guess I'm just do this the hard way. "Don't yell at him" 'Well shit' Morro showed him self. "Morro calm down I'm fine ok" he looked at me and then takes a breath. 'Good that's one less thing to worry about'

I suddenly heard a growl I looked down to see Amazu 'great just great' "Amazu I'm fine leave him" and with that he went and stood by Morro. "Now Cole are you done" I ask hoping he's done so he can stop touching me. "No Lloyd what the hell that's Morro" he shouted at me. "Well no shit" I say sarcastically. 'He really has a death wish'. I shoved him of me so hard that he flow across the room he hit the wall with a grown. "Next time don't touch me".

I look around to see everyone was shocked still. "Well I'll be going now seems I'm not wanted". I say like it was nothing and leave with Morro and Amazu following behind me. 'Well that was an amazing morning'.


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