The fall

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Before we started I just want to apologise for my sorry.
*This has been edited*
Lloyd prov
I was falling I had no time to think. All I could see was that the ground was getting closer and closer. I could hear Kai and the other ninja shouting. Then I hit the ground and darkness. Cold lonely darkness.

What happened before

Lloyd was fighting garmadon while  the other Ninjas where fight others and then.... " son" Lloyd was shoved of the eage as his farther fell forward which is how loyd was pushed. When fighting Lloyd delta a powerful blow to garmadon and garmadon fell forward pushing loyd over the eage. All the ninja saw it happen some frozen in place because of what happened other crying and shouting as he fell.


When all of the Colour coded ninjas reached the ground what they saw haunted them all. Lloyd was coved in blood bleeding out on the cold concrete ground. His arms and legs looked bad....really bad. They where mangled and his head was bleeding.

They didn't know what to do...this has never happened before. None of them has been hurt nearly this bad this....Lloyd was knocking on deaths door asking to be let in. They could only image the pain that he is felling or what he had felt they didn't even know whether or not he was a alive.

The news crew that was filming them asked if anyone that was watching I've possibly could they call for an ambulance. They filmed the hole thing everyone in Ninjago seen how there brave and beloved green ninja stoped Lord Garmadon and fell.

The ninja where snapped out of there frozen scared state when they heard an sirens. The medics came over and started to see if Lloyd had a pulse. One of them shouted shakily scared for there hero's life "he has a very weak pulse!" They all know at that moment that the chance of him surviving where close to impossible.......a dream almost.

Lloyd was loaded into the ambulance and rushed to the hospital and to the emergency room. It was all over the news everyone wanted to know what happened and wanted to know what stated there hero the green ninja was in.

Back at the monastery

When the ninja got back they where all stiff and never lifted there heads. They where meant to protect him that was there purpose. When they entered the doors of the monastery they where meet with master Wu. "What happened?.......why are you all so...upset?" He waited for a response but no one moved to look at him or made a sound. How where they meant to tell him that his nephew was in hospital and there was a nearly impossible chance that he'll make it. Wu took another look through the ninjas that stood before him and then it hit him where was Lloyd. "Ninja.....where is Lloyd?" They was still no answer.

Then the TV turned on and played the latest news.....about Lloyd. Wu froze. did this happen. "What happened?" Wu asked his ninjas. The first one to answer was Zane "we where fighting Lord Garmadon and......Lloyd defeat him but fell over the edge". No one spoke or moved for a minute or so until Lloyds mum came in Misako. "We need to go see him!" She shouted panicked. "We can't!" The fire ninja has been so quiet since the green ninja fell spoke. "Why?" Misako asked confused as to why they can not go see her son. "Because he is in surgery" Cole said in a sad tone.
Wu joined in "we can go in the morning for now you all fought well so get some rest".

"The green ninja has just gotten out of surgery his condition is unknown" the news woman said.
"We'll go in the morning" Wu said as everyone slowly made there way out to there rooms.


663 words.

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