chapter 11

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Chapter 11.

A new day has arrived, the sun peeking through the trees, sparkling light shines through the space, bringing a full of vitality ...

But those are just the outside, in the room closed with curtains of SuA, the light cannot penetrate, only a slight light appears on a flat surface of the room. SuA does not remember how many cups of wine she drank yesterday, she just lost the moisture from the extraction of her wisdom teeth, and then had to drink again, she would be scolded by the dentist.

And now, she feels tired and headache, Yeri probably won't wake her up today, Yeri will actively support everything for her, because Yeri knows her schedule to receive guests yesterday. Even yesterday afternoon, Yeri reminded her, don't drink too much.

But SuA didn't listen, she actually drank more than expected.

And she felt a little better, too, for right next to her, there was a radiant heater, extremely warm and fragrant. Who invented this machine, both warm and fragrant, SuA will definitely take the time to write a letter to thank the person who invented it.

She hugged the heater tightly, then rubbed her nose repeatedly to inhale it, calling it a machine, but it was so soft, so soft, so soft that SuA wanted to slip her hands on it ...

Why is there such a good machine, so wonderful. SuA was fascinated, she also used her body to hold the heater, she put her feet on it.

Really, she just wanted to be like this forever, hoping that nothing will arise today at the office, so that she can rest, hug this machine all day.

But she was very curious, had to wake up to see the model of this heater, to even buy it for her parents and brother, in the winter it was all ...

And just like that, Kim SuA finally woke up….

She was aware, that she was completely nude, and the heater to which she was full of praise, is Siyeon, Siyeon is also completely nude ...

That's right, it's Lee Siyeon again ...

It's her again….

Turns out, all night before, SuA slept with her face in Siyeon's chest….

Oh stop, dying….

This haunting image caught SuA’s eye once again ...

Lee Siyeon's chest is really different, there is a round mole between her breasts. The soft and fragrant flavor that SuA likes, is Siyeon's breasts….

Maybe, cover this up okay? otherwise SuA is afraid that she will lose control and open her mouth.

Inside SuA, lust was about to flare up ... dead ...

The lust, completely not from alcohol, spent the whole night and SuA was completely sober, this lust… came from Siyeon's charm ...

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