chapter 9

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Chapter 9.

A short time passed, Kim SuA returned home after going to the dentist, she went to have her wisdom teeth removed.

She is so brilliant, excellent, but when it comes to health, SuA is not so lucky ...

From childhood to adulthood, she had to be hospitalized many times, sometimes bruised knees, sometimes burned hands, sometimes had a minor surgery on the wrists, sometimes had teeth treated because she accidentally brushed her teeth and once fainted from working through the night, and this time, wisdom teeth extraction….

Even after the night of doing sex game with Siyeon, two spots appeared on her body, an extremely large red kiss on her neck, and a very deep bite on her shoulder ...

Lee Siyeon, she is a relative of the wolf? her teeth are so sharp. SuA that day went to the hospital to disinfect, then put a bandage on to heal the wound quickly. That day the doctor received SuA, also let go of a teasing sentence

"Do you love a beast?"

Because of such hospitalization many times, the independence of the SuA is increasing. Her whole family has only her working in Seoul, she cooks herself, buys clothes herself, goes to the hospital, takes care of herself, there is no one to rely on ...

When SuA has a lover, she is also the support for them ...

This time pulling wisdom teeth really hurts, SuA will be restricted from eating, talking, laughing, for a few days. An active person like her, but with such restrictions, is there any difference between her torment or not ...

Standing in the elevator preparing to go upstairs to enter the house, hugging her left cheek, suddenly a voice called, SuA held the button to open the elevator for the other person to come in ...

And surprisingly, the other person is not a stranger, is Lee Siyeon….

That's right, it's Lee Siyeon again.

- Oh, accidentally met again SuA-sshi - Siyeon gleefully said, walking into the elevator with SuA.

- Why are you here, watching me? - SuA laughed, it's been about a week since the last time she met Siyeon, that night she came home, saw money lying on the floor, she knew that Siyeon left in anger ...

Turns out there is no need for money, is there a real love for her?

- I don't have time to follow you, my house is here - Siyeon raised her obnoxious voice, she had to admit she had a good view of SuA, but after that day, she wanted to hate this director. This arrogance is always, daring to despise her, touching her self-esteem is not acceptable.

- 10th floor? - SuA glanced at Siyeon not pressing the number button.

- That's right, my house is opposite your house.

- Since when have you been there? - SuA suspects, she has been in this apartment since she was a director, it has been 2 years since she did not interact with neighbors much, but she has certainly never met Siyeon before.

- It's been a year, my uncle's house has been there, he's already gone overseas, so I moved there - Siyeon made up a reasonable story.

- So long has it been? - SuA doesn't want to believe this scenario.

- That's right, I said we met is destiny.

SuA laughed, considered as the worst joke in the world, she was used to numbers for a long time, she lived and thought extremely logically, what is destiny, can she eat? These word are not found in SuA’s dictionary.

The elevator reached the 10th floor, SuA proactively left first to end this unwanted conversation, and the second reason was because she was soaked with all her teeth, in no mood to fight.

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