Chapter 17: We Will Survive

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"Jack! Jack!" I screamed his name at the top of my lungs. It felt as though it was getting busier and busier around me, from all of the yelling and splashing.

"Jack!" I shouted his name one more time before I got bombarded into the water once again by a man with great strength. It shocked me, and I was struggling to hold my breath because it was so cold. He eased off and let me come up from under. I wiped over my face and let out a big gasp for air.

"What are you doing?!" I bellowed in his face breathlessly, and he looked so scared. Like everyone else.

"I'm sorry miss! I need you to stay afloat." He explained nervously, getting louder and louder from the great noise. After this, he grabbed hold of my head and pushed it firmly under again. I screamed in the water, letting out a crowd of bubbles from my mouth.


I don't know where Y/N is. The sea took me away from her, I couldn't keep my grip. I don't normally say this, but I'm terrified. It's cold. It's noisy. I'm in the middle of the ocean. It's so crowded.

I look around, I see many heads of people in the crowd. But not the one I'm looking for. Y/N's hair is red and curly, but it'll be darker right now from the water. It's hard to see in this dull blue light. But all of a sudden, I hear a scream that sounds familiar. A light, female voice that has a particular tune to it that's beautiful. They're screaming. Like they're hurt. I rush towards the crowd and closer to the screaming. I see a man, pushing someone into the water like a float. I swim towards the man, and see a familiar face pop out. It's Y/N.

"Y/N!" I yell, I don't know if she heard me though.
"Get off her!" I bellow, and I see her piercing brown eyes spin round to see mine.

"Jack! Help me!" Y/N shouts, and I punch the guy in the face with force. He falls back and I grab Y/N's arm.

"We've gotta move!" I exclaim, and she nods in agreement. The water splashes aside of us as we swim messily out of the ginormous crowd of ship boarders.

"Thank you, Jack! Oh my god, thank you!" Y/N pants and splutters words breathlessly as if she's so relieved she can hardly breathe. She lands a hand on my cheek and wipes the hair out of my face. I love it when Y/N does that. I do the same to her and she lets out a sigh as she treads on the water.

"At least we're back together again!" She laughs, but stops quickly as she shivers intensely. I can see the pain of the bitter cold in her eyes, and it makes me jolt. I look around and see a piece of furniture that is floating away.

"Come on!" I shout as she looks at me in a confused way. Y/N just follows me as she doesn't care at this point.


Jack rescued me. I knew he'd come, and he did. He was blue from the reflection of the ocean, and so pretty from...well...him. I couldn't really concentrate on anything from how stressful this stupid sinking was. Jack had taken me to a "not busy" area of the ocean away from the crowd, and I had to take a breather for a minute, and I think Jack did too.

"Come on!" Jack shouts, and grabs the only two bits of my arm I can feel from the numbing ness. He drags me along and puts our hands onto this wooden piece of furniture. It's kind of in the shape of a door, or at least a door to a certain extent.

"Here, get on this." Jack pushes me to the longer side of the door and heaves me up. I manage to get a grip to it and stay on without falling.

"Okay, now you." I say to Jack, looking around to see ways he can now get on. But he doesn't move. He doesn't move an inch.

"Jack, what are you doing? Get on the door!" I say harshly to try and be forceful, but he still doesn't move.

"Y/N, it was for you. I can't get on there." Jack explains, looking disappointed.

"Jack, what are you talking about? There's plenty of room. What, you think I'm just gonna watch you float there in the cold?" I ask, gesturing for him to clamber on.

"There is no way I'm gonna fit on there, Y/N. I'm not even gonna try, I'll only be disappointed." Jack explains, acting unusually depressed.

"You'd rather not try to get on and risk your life then jus-just die?!" I start to get angry because he won't even try and live. I'm not going to leave him behind.

"Fine, if you won't get on, I'll just have to get you on myself." I say, fiddling around with my life jacket. I untie the rope and take it off over my head.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Jack asks, as if he's annoyed at me trying to make him survive this disaster.

" survive." I take breaths between each word as I'm busy working out my method.  It's hard though, as my hands are as cold as eyes and as numb as ever.

I extend the two ropes even longer and put both my arms either side under the door. I can hear Jack's teeth chattering, but he won't admit it. I clip the straps from either side together underneath and it evens out the door.

"There! Now get on, Jack. Please." I persuade Jack to get on, and he does. He places both his hands on the face of the door and uses all his strength to heal his way up. The door wobbles at first but evens out. Jack sits on top and we've done it.

"Oh my god, you actually did it!" Jack says, relieved.

"Of course I did! I wasn't going to leave you, Jack. I love you!" I exclaim, and he kisses me firmly on the cheek as I laugh with joy.

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