Chapter 5: Make it Count

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I had been sucked into that dinner, and I took Jack with me. It was the only way I would make it through the evening.

Rose was tying up corset, again. This time I was wearing a dark red dress, bejewelled. As usual, I had my hair put up into the neatest bun possible, with my red curls hung loose.

"Just to let you know, I invited Jack to this evening's dinner." I had to tell Rose otherwise she would act up. As soon as I told her, she pulled my corset really tight, like she was frustrated. I nearly passed out.

"Do you ever get away from that boy? He's no good for you, you need a man like Cal. Rich. Jack has no money, you want to end up with someone like that?" She said, this made me so angry, but I bit my tongue.

"Jack's a gentleman, he makes his own luck. And he treats me well." I said, trying not to black out from how tight the corset was.

"Don't come running back to me when you have no money, and can't afford to put food on the table." Rose said, primping my hair.

"Oh don't worry. I won't be bothering you with my problems anytime soon." I said, and Rose walked away, with an annoyed look on her face.


I had finished getting ready, and I was heading to the grand staircase.

As I arrived, I saw Jack imitating the posh people around him, trying to fit in. He's not the only one who doesn't fit in around here.

I laughed to myself, and he turned around and noticed me smiling. He walked up to me and I walked down to him. Jack politely kissed me on the hand, and linked arms with me. I couldn't help but blush. He held his chin high trying to act all rich. I nudged him to stop, but we were laughing.

"You look beautiful tonight." Jack said to me as we walked through the hall.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I said back, giggling. 

We bumped into Rose and my mother as we were walking through the people. My smile slowly faded as they both turned round.

"Ahhh, you must be Jack." My sister turned to Jack and put out her hand out for him to shake it.

"It's a pleasure." Jack responded, taking her hand firmly.

"It's funny, really. You could almost pass for a gentleman. Ha!" She laughed to herself, and I saw my mother hit her on the arm.

"Almost." Jack acted as if he agreed. I couldn't help but smile.

We made our way through the people, our arms linked together.

"Care to escort a lady to dinner?" Molly came out of no where and asked Jack.

"Certainly." He then linked his other arm with Molly's. Her husband wasn't here. He had struck gold somewhere in America, and she was travelling to see him.

"Just act like you have a lot of money and they won't suspect ya." She mentioned to Jack, pushing his back up straight. 

We sat down for dinner, and I was sat next to Cal, my sister's fiancé, and on the other side was Mr Andrews.

"Your ship is truly a wonder, Mr Andrews." I said to him, and he looked pleased.

"Thank you, Y/N." He smiled back at me, and then Rose had to chime in.

"Jack Dawson here, is joining us from the 3rd class tonight." Rose mentioned, and looked at me in a mean way.

"And how is it that you have means to travel?" My mother asked Jack, eating her caviar gently.

"Well, I work from place to place. You know, tramp steamers and such. I draw portraits of people for ten cents a piece. People seem to like it." Jack said, mentioning his artwork.

"Jack had the pleasure of showing me some of his work earlier today, it's amazing really." I piped in, feeling that I had to say something.

"I figure life's a gift, and I don't intend on wasting it. Just the other night, I was sleeping under a bridge. And now here I am, on the grandest ship in the world, having champagne with you fine people." Jack took a swig of his champagne.

"To make each day count." Jack added, it was truly wonderful what he said.

"Well said Jack." Molly said, smiling at him. I raised my glass.

"To making it count." I said out loud, and everybody said it after me. I could hear everybody's glasses clinking. I could see Jack feeling good about himself now.

We had had a few courses, and the men were about to go off.

"Thank you for joining us tonight, ladies." Mr Ismay stood up and smiled at the women.

"Well, Jack. You don't want to stay out here with the women, do you?" The colonel laughed to himself.

"No, I ought to be headed back." Jack told the colonel, and he nodded. Jack walked over to me.

"Jack, must you go?" I said, I didn't want him to leave me yet. I didn't want him to go.

"I gotta go row with the other slaves." Jack joked, and I smiled. He took my hand and kissed it, slipping a note into it at the same time. Jack walked away, he looked back at me once, but kept on walking.

I looked at the note, and it said 'make it count, meet me at the clock' . I looked around, and he was gone.

"Mother, I'm going to head back. I don't feel too well." I made an excuse, and she gave me a nod of approval.

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