Chapter 15: Rose Gone Wild

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Jack pulled me into the dining hall, which is best known as 'the snake pit' . The tables were covered in shattered plates and the chairs bedraggled on the floor.

"C'mon Y/N. Be quiet and stay down. I think we lost her." Jack says in a hushed tone. We had to be cautious, Rose was chasing us with a gun after all.

You could see Titanic was tilting, as you had to run up it like it was a hill. Jack held my hand and helped me down into a hiding place. We crouched down low beside one of the tables and the deadly silence fell upon us. I was breathing heavily, so Jack quickly covered my mouth with his hand and I squinted my eyes. I was scared. But all of a sudden, I heard splashing of the water coming from the other side of the hall. Someone was coming.

"Y/N? Are you in here?" It was Rose. She sounded out of breath, like she had been running for miles looking for us, which she had.

"Jack? I know you're here. One of you." She said, moving her legs in an up and down motion to get through the water. The Titanic was foundering as the  monstrous sounds of the ship leant.

"Come out now! I'm going to find you, one way or another! Y/N, you know you can't get away with this. Just run away and live somewhere away from your family. You're seventeen, for crying out loud! Obviously you haven't learnt your lesson." Rose gave her little speech and I could see Jack bite his lip with rage trying to hold back. But I wasn't as strong as Jack. I couldn't just bite my lip and let her get away with it. I needed to teach her a lesson.

"You bitch!" I leaped out from beside Jack and into the open.

"Y/N!" Jack shouted, and tried to hold me back as I went out. Nothing to protect me from her weapons.

"No, Jack. I need to do this on my own."  I whisper behind, and he backs up and stands right beside me with an angry impression on his face towards Rose.

"Knew you'd come out, sooner or later. You've never been one to stick to things. Play with them for a little while and then just throw them away." Rose points her head towards Jack, trying to make a point that's not true.

"Rose, you need to understand that... I don't need you anymore. If I think about it, I've never needed you! The only thing you have taught me is how to ruin your own life! I don't need the sparkly dresses, or-or the glossy makeup. Oh, what would I do without that dress? Absolutely .. everything, Rose!" I yell at Rose, and she stands back at me in shock. Like I was the one standing there with a gun in my hands.

"Oh my! Y/N! I have helped Mother raise you into a lovely young lady since the day you were born and I do not deserve to be given such a lecture!" Rose replies, throwing the gun into the water with rage.

"Well, if I'm such a lovely young lady ... then why were you chasing me with a gun? Why are you constantly trying to change who I am?" I ask, looking her directly in the eye. She looks around, avoiding my gaze not knowing what to say.

"I-..." Rose doesn't know what to say. She looks around at me and Jack nervously and stutters.

"I have only been with Jack for 3 days, and he has already taught me so much about how to live! It's so beautiful once you're not trapped inside a hell hole being forced to do things you don't need to do. You know what I've also learnt? I've learnt that Jack is the love of my life! Yeah! And I know that whatever happens I am going to  stick with him, and I am definitely not falling in your trap ever again, Rose!" My voice echoes through the halls, and Rose flops into the water, falling onto her knees. The water was waist height for her.

"Go, Y/N. Go and run away and leave your poor sister here, die." Rose says sincerely, trying to make me feel guilty for shouting at her. She gives me the puppy dog eyes but it doesn't get to me. I could hear the ship groan as it tilted even further into the Atlantic. We were wasting time. I felt Jack grab my hand and pull me to the other door on the far side.

"Come on, while she's down." Jack whispers. Rose still lay there when we leave, I don't know if she'll escape this, but either way I won't ever see her again.


We get to the door and Jack busts it open with his shoulder and flops onto the floor on the other side.

"Jack! Are you okay? Come on, we gotta go." I say as I lift him up. He rubs his eyes and starts running after me. His hair sways as he runs, and my hair, sodden behind me, catches his face.

We get to some stairs and they are flooding with water. There was a gate at the top of it.

"Ahh shit." Jack says under his breath. I move in front of him and shake the gate. It slides to the side and clears the way for us.

"It's open. It fine! It's open, Jack!" I say, gesturing he comes though. It takes us to a small hallway with lots of doors, thy look like rooms people were staying in. With luggage thrown about everywhere and doors swinging open.

"Look! Up here!" Jack shouts. I could hear footsteps around, so we should've been close to the top deck. I turned the corner sharply and ran up the many stairs and through the door. It led to what sounded like a billion people screaming and shouting. It was so hectic up there.

Jack and I just stood there for a second, thinking of which direction to go.

"This way! I can see Fabrizio." Jack exclaims, and grabs me by the hand. We shoulder our way through the humongous crowd and end up to Fabrizio. He was talking to Mr Murdoch, who was holding a gun.

"Fabrizio!" Jack yells from the crowd, edging his way though to his friend.

"Jack!" Fabrizio says, and he looked like he'd been crying.

"Are you alright?" Jack asks, looking concerned.

"No." Fabrizio says subtly, and I feel a shiver travel down my spine. Fabrizio turned his head to look at an object on the ground. I look over Jack's shoulder and see Tommy, lying on the ground with a bullet shaped hole in his chest. I give out a little scream and go light headed for a moment.

"Tommy!" Jack cries, and leans down to see him. Jack looks at the wound and breathes heavily.

"What the hell have you done?!" Jack yells at Mr Murdoch, who would've been the one to kill him. Mr Murdoch looks up at me and salutes. I give him a confused look and he flares back at me with fear bundling up in his eyes. He slowly buts the gun to his head and pulls the trigger.

"No!" I shout, and there has been no moment in my life I have been so scared. A tear rolls down my cheek quickly and Jack looks up to me. He turns back down to Tommy and rips off the life jacket on the body. I place my hair behind my ears and look to Fabrizio. He's heartbroken.

"Here! Take it, Y/N." Jack passes me the life jacket and I immediately strap it on. It's heavy, but it will keep me safe, at least for now.

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