Chapter 12: Open the Gate

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The water was raising, the coldness was getting bitter. I could feel my teeth chattering but I couldn't stop now, Jack was relying on me. Even though the water was chilling me to the bone, I was panting like a dog. Running through water is harder than you think. I ran up some stairs and through the hallways.

"Hello?.....Hello?" I sprinted hopelessly, looking for someone.

The water wasn't as high there so it was much easier. I came across a stuard on my way. He could help.

"Excuse me! Sir!" I yelled, and he turned his head around.

"Miss, come with me. You shouldn't be down here." He grabbed my arm and started pulling me to the top of the ship.

"No! Let go, please listen! I need your help! There is a man down here and he is trapped." I explained, but he wouldn't let go.

"Yes, alright. Come on, this way, Miss." He said, almost pinching my arm.

"No! Stop, you're going the wrong way!" I ordered him, but he wasn't listening. It was making me furious.

"There's no need to panic." The stuard said, trying to put a lifejacket on me.

"I'm not panicking!" I said through my teeth. He kept dragging me along.

"LISTEN!" I screamed loudly, and punched him in the face. It felt good. Even though he was just trying to help, he wasn't listening to me. It hurt my hand a little bit but it shut him up. He leant against the wall and felt the blood come out of his face.

"To hell with you." He stated, and ran away. I fell back onto one of the doors and closed my eyes. I didn't know what to do. There was no hope. I was out of breath from trying to get the stuard off me. All of a sudden, I heard a click and the lights shut off. I quickly opened my eyes and I started breathing even heavier than before. The boat made a loud leaning noise and it sounded like it was sinking faster and faster. I couldn't stop here. Jack was still down there.

I got up and ran around the corners, twists and turns. I was trying to find something sharp, as nobody was going to be all the way down here now.

I finally came across a red case attached to the wall. At first I ran past it, but stopped once I realised it was there. I looked back and saw an axe. It was perfect. But I had to find something to break the glass. There was a piece of rope on the side, and I used it to break it. I grabbed the axe and flew off.

I eventually figured my way back to Jack, and he was still standing there, the way I left him.

"Y/N! Oh, that's perfect!" Jack exclaimed, standing on a box.

"Really? Okay." I said, and I was about to hit Jack's chains but he stopped me.

"Wait! Take a couple practice shots over there." He instructed me, and nodded his head toward the wooden cabinet. I did what he said. I made my way over to the wood and pulled the axe behind my head and threw it against the cabinet.

"Okay, good! Now try and do it again in the same spot." Jack said, and I tried again. I leaned back and hit another spot on the wood.

"Alright, that's enough practice. Now hurry!" He ordered, and I swam over to him. The water was about waist height now.

I was about to take my shot but he interrupted me again.

"Wait, open your hands a little more." He stated, and I followed his instructions.

"Like that?" I asked Jack. I could feel my lips quivering and turning blue.

"I trust you, Y/N." Jack said intensely. I nodded, and smiled. I had widened my arms like Jack had said, and I threw the axe down onto the handcuffs. It had broken them in half. Jack laughed in excitement.

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