Chapter 4: Why, Of Course You Are

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"Jack, it seems like you get around. When we get off this ship, we have to go somewhere together." I say to Jack, leaning on the rail in front of the sunset.

"What about Santa Monica Pier? We'll drink cheap beer, we'll go on the rollercoaster until we throw up, and we'll ride horses on the beach." Jack suggests, and it's sounds really fun.

"That's something that my mother would never approve of, but that just makes me want to do it more! Say we'll go to that pier, even if we only just talk about it." I say to Jack, we were smiling at each other, ear to ear.

"No, we'll do it! But you gotta do it like a real cowboy,  I don't want any of that side saddle stuff." Jack added. I looked at him.

"What, you leg on each side?" I looked at him in a concerned way.

He nodded back, and I sighed. We laughed together.

"Well, teach me to ride like a man." I laughed.

"And chew tobacco like a man." He said it in a southern accent.

"And spit like a man." I said back in a deep southern accent.

"What, they didn't teach you that in finishing school?" Jack asked me.

"No!" I laughed at him.

"Come on, I'll show ya." Jack said, and pulled me along the deck. The glow on the boat was bright orange from the sunset.

"No, Jack! Jack, I couldn't possibly." He had already pulled me to the next railing along.

"Alright, so show me whatcha got." Jack said, and I spit politely into the ocean beneath.

"That was pitiful! Come on, you really gotta hock it back, ready?" He told me how to do it. Jack made this horrible noise with his throat and threw a giant ball of spit into the sea.

"Oh my god, that's disgusting!" I laughed and I could see him trying to make me do it next.

"Now you go." Jack said, and with that I tried to make the same noise as jack. This time the spit was a little better, but not the best.

"Okay, so you're getting better!" Jack mentioned, I nodded and he tried again. He made the horrible sound again, and just as he was about to do it I saw mother.

"Mother!" I said, with a fake smile. Jack turned around with spit on his chin.

"Y/N, who is this?" She asked me, with no expression on her face.

"Oh, I'm sure Rose has mentioned him. This is Jack Dawson." I introduced the two, and mother looked nothing but displeased. Jack smiled lightly.

"Charmed, I'm sure." Mother said back, in a low, monotonous tone.

Mother was with two other women. The Duchess, Noël Leslie. And Margaret Brown, who everybody calls Molly. Molly looked at Jack and pointed to her chin, gesturing that he had something on his. He wiped the spit away and smiled at Molly.

"Jack here, will be joining us for dinner tonight." I said, not giving Jack any notice before.

"I am?" Jack said, with a confused look on his face.

"Yes, why of course you are!" I said, trying to make this awkward situation seem a little less awkward.

"Oh, wouldn't that just be lovely!" Molly said cheerfully. Jack gave out a little laugh and looked at me. Mother still said nothing.

"Well, mother, we should go and get ready, mustn't we?" I suggested, and I linked arms with her. I was trying to put on a posher accent to show mother I was able to be a lady like her.

"Bye Jack."


Y/N didn't tell me I was coming to her fancy 1st class dinner. But I wanted to see what this was like. As Y/N walked away, I couldn't stop staring at her. She was a lady to me.

"Son?" Molly said to me.

At first I didn't hear her because I was too busy focusing on Y/N.

"Son!" Molly shouted this now, it caught my attention. I looked at her and she said:

"Do you have the slightest comprehension what you're doing?" She asked me, with her thick southern accent. I laughed a bit.

"Not really." I replied, and she smiled at me.

"What are you planning to wear?" She said to me, and I shrugged and slapped my outfit that I had on now.

"I figured. Come on." She said laughing. She put her hand on my back and ushered me to her room.


When we got back to Molly's room, I was impressed. It was nice. The word 'fancy' pretty much sums it up.

"I got one of my sons' suits. You could probably slip into that." She suggested, and I nodded.

I put the suit on and it fit perfectly. Convenient, huh?

"Pretty close!" I said, slicking back my hair with some gel she kept.

"I was right! You and my son are pretty much the same size." She added, and she laughed and slapped me on the back.

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