Chapter 6: A Real Party

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I had gotten out of the snake pit to join Jack. As I arrived at the grand staircase, I could see Jack, facing the clock. I got to the bottom of the stairs and took a deep breath. I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I walked up a few of the steps and then Jack turned around and smiled.

" wanna go to a real party?" Jack asked, and I think I was catching on.


"Jack, where are you taking me?" I asked, laughing. He was dragging me along the top deck by my hand  like I was on a leash.

"Just trust me, Y/N. You're gonna love it down there." Jack said, I was getting out of breath from laughing and running at the same time.

Jack brought me to the gate that led down to 3rd class. He opened the gate and threw me down there.

"Hey! Watch it!" I said in a jokingly way. As I looked around I could see what he wanted me to join. They were having a massive party. The music, the dancing, the people were all so jolly.

"Oh my goodness." I said smiling.

"See? I told you. Come on!" He pulled me over to a table and got me a beer. Jack started dancing with this little girl. I clapped to the music, this was a real party.

There was a guy on the same table trying to talk to me.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the music!" I shouted. I saw someone fall over on the other side of the hall, and I laughed.

"I'm gonna go dance with her now." I heard Jack say to the little girl, and she nodded.

"What? I don't want to be a bother." I exclaimed, but Jack wasn't having it.

"Come on, Y/N. It will be fun!" Jack replied and pulled me up onto the little stage. Everybody else was dancing with their partner around us.

"Jack, wait! I can't do this. I don't know this dance!" I mentioned to Jack, I was getting nervous.

"Neither do I, you've just gotta go with it." Jack laughed.

"But we do have to get a little closer." Jack pulled me in, and he started dragging me around the dance floor. I was trying to keep up. I couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh my god, Jack. Jack!" I laughed, I was about to fall over. Mine and Jack's hands didn't part.

Eventually, everybody cleared the stage, and it was just me and Jack.

"You're pretty good, Y/N!" Jack shouted as he danced.

"You're not too bad yourself, Jack!" I bellowed over the loud music. I saw the little girl looking at jack sadly.

"You're still my best girl, Cora." I saw her little smile pop up on her face again. Her name was Cora.

We spun around, holding each other's hands.

"Ahhh, Jack! No, Jack!" I said, spinning around. We were laughing so hard right now. People started to crowd around. We got out of the way for a second and went to get some more drinks.

Jack's friend Tommy and another guy were doing an arm wrestle. It was pretty intense. Jack grabbed the beers from behind them and passed one to me. I started to down that beer, I wanted to show Jack how 'lady like' I was. He stared at me, almost like he was amazed.

"What? You think a 1st class girl can't drink?" We both started to laugh and he started to drink his, but not as fast as me. Tommy didn't win the arm wrestle, but he made a deal.

"Two out of 'tree, two out of 'tree!" He had a thick Irish accent. I saw a pint go over when his hand smacked down on the table. That's when I chimed in.

"So, you think you're big tough men?" I asked, taking the lit cigarette out of Tommy's mouth and putting it in mine.

"Let's see you do this." I said, competitively. I gave Jack the end of my dress, and blew out the rest of the cigarette smoke.

"Hold it up, Jack. Hold it up." I said to Jack. As he did that, I balanced straight on my toes. They all looked at me, shocked that I could do that. After a couple of seconds, I let out a little scream, and fell into Jack's arms.

"Are you alright?" Jack asked, concerned. I was just laughing.

"I haven't done that in years." I said giggling. He started laughing too.

Then suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cal. I saw him near the gate, looking around for me. I quickly got up from Jack's arms, and dusted myself off and cleared my throat.

"Jack, I should go." I told Jack.

"But so soon, Y/N? The party's only just getting started!" Jack said, as he flicked his hair out of his eyes.

"Jack, you don't understa-.." I said, but Jack interrupted me before I could finish.

"Can I at least walk you back?" Jack asked, looking longingly into my eyes.

"Well, I don't see why not." That made me smile. I get to spend the rest of the day with the boy I loved. Yes...I think I loved him.


"Come Josephine, in my flying machine. Going up she goes, up she goes." Me and Jack sang together, but we couldn't remember the rest of the words. He gave me his jacket as it was freezing on the deck.

"I can't remember the other words!" I laughed and replied.

"Me neither." He laughed back. We were having a really nice time...until I saw the 1st class sign.

"This is my stop." I said to Jack, my smile slowly faded away as I had to say goodbye. I passed him his jacket and I stared at those beautiful eyes for a second.

"I don't want to go back." I said, smiling.

"I'll probably bump into you tomorrow." Jack joked, we both laughed. There was a silence for a second.

"Thank you, for tonight. And for pulling me out of that awful dinner to come to a party that turned out to be so much fun." I replied. I really owed him one.

I looked up at the sky and saw it all lit up by the stars.

"Look at the sky, so beautiful, isn't it?" I said to Jack, focusing on the stars.

"It really is, Y/N. And so are you." Jack told me. He had never said that before. But I smiled at him. I looked back at the sky.

"Look! A shooting star." I exclaimed, pointing to it as it soared across the sky.

"You know, my pops used to tell me. Whenever you saw one of those, it was a soul going to heaven." Jack explained to me, which was sweet.

"I like that. Aren't you supposed to wish on it?" I asked Jack.

"Well, what would you wish for?" Jack replied. I looked down at him and he looked at me intently. This made me realise what I would wish for.

"Something I can't have." I said, and I stared at him.

"Goodnight, Jack." I said and started to walk away, but then I realised what I was doing. This was wrong. I knew full right that I had to go back there and kiss him, so I did.

I turned around and ran to him. I quickly jumped into his arms, and with that, my heart had settled.

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