Chapter 16: We gotta Climb

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Jack leaps up from the ground and pushes me to the right, making me shove people out of the way.

"Excuse us!" Jack shouts, concentrating on where to go from here to be safe. We get to the end of what felt like the never ending crowd, and Jack spins me around to face him and looks at me deeply.

"Y/N, we have to climb, alright? The stern is falling and we gotta go up there." Jack explains, and I nod my head understandingly. It's a long way up, but I can do it. Jack spins me back around and starts to push me up the ship.

We got stopped in our tracks when we were stuck behind this priest who was saying prayers with people attached to his arm.

"You wanna go a little faster with that prayer there?" Jack shouts, and shoulders our way past them to get closer to the top.

We get to the railings at the top and I hug Jack tightly to hang on. He pants breathlessly and I look up to him.

"Jack! ... This is where we first met!" I exclaimed and he looks down to me and smiles. He forcefully kissed me on the forehead and I feel a rush of adrenaline.

The Titanic is really tilting now. It's going down quickly. Jack looks around and starts to climb onto the other side.

"We have to move!" Jack shouts and holds onto the pole at the top for grip.

"Come on, Y/N. I'll help you!" Jack states, and puts his hand out to lift me up. I take it firmly and pull myself to the other side. It's a weird view from up here. All I can see is people falling into the ocean below me, which is scary because that could be me in a matter of seconds. Then, I feel a shudder, and it makes my heart drop.

"What was that, Jack? What was that?" I repeat nervously and look around as the ship splits in half.

"I don't know, I don't know!" Jack chokes on his words as he nervously grips onto the bars. The boat breaks into two and people fall though the gaps in the broken ship. I gasp in shock at the sight and I feel my cheeks flush. When I'm nervous my cheeks flush red.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Jack asks me, rubbing my back.

"Yeah! I'm okay right now. Are you?" I say in response, breathing heavily. Jack is too busy concentrating to reply. As soon as it went quiet, and all was calm (for about 3 seconds) the Titanic fell backwards and splashed into the water killing over 100 people that had fallen into the water before. I let out a little scream as it smashed against the surface, holding on for dear life. My hands were sweaty, a nervous streak ran through my head and it made me dizzy. The ginormous amount of screams and cries made me nauseous. It was happening. The time had come. Titanic was foundering.

As I sit in my mind picturing my beloved future which was probably no more, I here a giant leaning noise come from the boat. I snap out of it and see that we were rising back up into mid air. And going so high I couldn't see the people in the water.

"Jack, why are we going upwards?" I yelled, I could feel water building up in my eyes.

"It's going down!" Jack yelled back, and I had to breathe in an out 3 times to calm my worked up self. The Titanic started to make its way down forcefully, pushing down into the sea. Thousands of people gasping to hold their breath as they lunge into the bitterly cold water.

"Okay, Y/N! The ship is going to suck us down. You need to keep for the surface. And whatever you do, do not stop kicking!" Jack bellowed over the monstrous crashes of the ocean. I nod in response.

"Alright. Okay!" I say, and exhale loudly. Jack squeezes my hand intensely and I can feel his cold palm.

"Do not let go of my hand! Promise?" Jack says, looking eager for my answer.

"I promise. I promise, Jack!" I yell so that he can hear me.

"We're gonna make it, Y/N. I know it." Jack reassured me, and it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. But we can't be so sure.

The Titanic is nearly there, just a matter of seconds and we are under.

"Hold your breath in 3, 2, now!" Jack exclaims, and I squeeze my mouth shut with a big gulp of air. As we fall under the surface, Jack squeezes my hand even tighter and grabs onto the straps on my life jacket. The swish and the swash of the water makes it hard to concentrate. I tried keeping my eyes open but the salt made me wince. Jack kept shaking me, and I tried to find his hand but I couldn't grasp it. It was so cold, it felt as if my brain was freezing over, and my legs were becoming stiff. All of a sudden, Jack let go of my life jacket and started being pulled by the aggression of the ocean. I let out a little scream in the water which made a gargle sound. As he floated away, I was beginning to think I was in big trouble. This could be bad. I fiddled with my hair anxiously to get it out of my face. My feet were going numb, so I had to swim to the surface now.

As I swam forcefully to the surface, I could feel myself panicking even more. But I couldn't. I know what Jack would say, panicking would only make this worse for me. I sprang my head out of the water and took a big breath of the icy air. My vision was blurry, and I couldn't really see anything. I breathed heavily in and out a few times and looked around me. No sight of Jack. Anywhere.

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